Lip is an adorable fairy, the creator of Rilu Rilu Fairilu, and proud member of The Crystal Alliance. Lip also likes Humans, unlike most Fairies, who are afraid of them. Lip lives in Realm of the Fey, though she is NOT the fourth Fab Fairy. She is not a Mii because she comes from Japan.
Lip was born from a fairy who was foreign to the UnUnited Kingdom, explaining why she is more English then usual. Lip is named after Tulips, due to the fact said fairy dressed her up in one. Lip lived a simple life in school, she made some friends, did homework, and other stuff. Lip got interested with the Humans and decided to explore more about them. Due to her curiosity, these human encounters have nearly killed her. (She even met the one and only Mr. Crocker once)
Eventually, Lip graduated from school and went to Squidward Community College, just like everyone else. She learned magic, and the ability to turn into a human, but she only did it once to hit on a boy that didn't like her (ouch). And she also drinks Nectar because she is a Cannibal she thinks Honey is overrated. After that Lip decided to travel around the world and decided to settle in Realm of the Fey in Miitopia, as the Fab Fairies were making havoc in the area and Lip simply wanted them to keep these three in check. Due to her bravery fighting the three Fab Fairies, she met Kris and joined the Crystal Alliance.
Lip traveled with Kris and her gang of heroes, though Lip decided to take on the deal with Eevee in Alola by herself. Using magic, she was able to easily triumph over Eevee and have her be executed by the Hawaiians. For some reason, the Hawaiians made her the Queen of Alola, but she decided to leave to seek other things. Lip decided to make her own version of Sailor Moon and made Rilu Rilu Fairliu as an experiment. The series was a semi-success due to how cute Lip is. Now, Lip just simply hangs out with the Crystal Alliance and does tasks for them.