Let It Go is a song invented by Didney so Elsa the Snow Queen could sing it and brainwash all of the little children. It worked better than expected, brainwashing all of the children, adults,

The whole song. This isn't playing it over and over, IT ACTUALLY NEVER ENDS!
and Old People. But then Everybody started singing it, and it lost its power. Let It Go is now just another song that you sing when you feel like singing a singy song of singing.
Let It Go was first created to be a regular song, but then Walt Didney climbed out of his grave and marched down to Didney headquarters just to tell them they were doing it wrong. The Didney guys fixed it, and Let It Go became a song of powerful mind control stuff. Now this song is used in satanic rituals.
Originally, people and critics (this includes Biased Ratings) were going to heavily pan the song and riot at the Wal Didney Studios, causing World War IV, but however, Wal Didney was resurrected to make employees make changes to the song before it was released, so it received critical and commercial acclaim.
See also[]
Hmm... I think I might barf. This song's attempts to brainwash me are pitiful. I'd rather go listen to Bowser sing about peaches.
Hmm... I think I might barf. This song's attempts to brainwash me are pitiful. I'd rather go listen to Bowser sing about peaches.