Lego City, capital of Legoland
Legoland (a.k.a. Legoland Mauritania by most Africans) is a country found in the remote regions of Africa. It is most well known for its infamous crime rate and its easy-to-destroy structures. Legoland is built mostly out of Lego bricks, so problems can be expected to arise.
Legoland was first started by a group of plastic nomads. They found a random clearing filled with swamp water and man-eating cockroaches, decided "this'll do", and set up a city. That city became Lego City. Eventually more plastic people came here and more cities were set up. They eventually became known as Legoland, or Stepnowithurtz. If you ever go to Legoland, you have to get 'legoified', which means to be turned into Lego, and when anyone leaves, they get 'realified', the action of turning back into a real person.
Legoland is also the word as a real theme park where blocky Lego rides were invented that neither Disney or Mickey Mouse did for Disneyland.