Y'all got any lamps?
—A moth
Lamps, contrary to what they think they are, aren't the brightest bulbs in the box. Lamps are basically household appliances that illuminate that often live either in IKEA shops, or in the dilapidated remains of the street of Appliance Avenue. Their appearances consist of a metal rod with a thread for a bulb that produces light, often connected to a power source either in the ground or ceiling. Let's not forget how they're also attracted to by moths because of their 'brilliance'.
Lamps are shrouded in infamy due to them being responsible of many cases of blindness, mostly from eager people whose mental capacity is so truncated to the point they decide to stare directly at a lamp to vacantly observe its interior, not expecting the received outcome. Lamps are also responsible for the extermination of a certain member of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.
Lamps were first invented by Morshu upon an attempt to defeat his archnemesis, Ushrom. In a fashion similar to what makes the race of trumpets annoying, lamps also enjoy cracking up not very ''bright'' jokes. At one point the exasperation coming from these implements were at such a significant rate because by then Morshu had constructed kerosene in order to supply lamps with more electrical energy so their exasperation would increase, as an attempt to infuriate Ushrom to insanity.
Despite the infamy lamps are responsible for, their inventor is credited with saving many lives through them, since he also intended for them to replace incandescent light bulbs and were the first inventions to develop a practical way to do so. Their presence in the UnWorld are thus the result of the infamous Morshu's experiments. Despite this, lamps still carry an aura of infamy.