The Konami Code is a magical thing that was created by the people of Konami. It is a magical piece of magic that magically allows you to do magical things... with magic. The Konami Code can be found in a variety of different shames, some of which weren't even made by Konami (that's because some people were stupid and thought they were Konami when they weren't).
The Konami Code has since become a pop culture sensation. Why? Because Shigeru Miyamoto said so! That's why, you ungrateful little... nevermind. The Konami Code is celebrated around the world (by "around the world", we mean in all countries that start with the word "Mushroom"). It is also a thing people say when something happens.
*something happens*
Robin: Holy Konami Code Batman!
SOMETHING: SUNNY... I love you...
Konami Code[]
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A Start. Hah! You unlocked a cheat that you will owe me one soda.
Shames With the Konami Code[]
- Contra: OMG MOAR LIVES!!!!!1!!!!111!
- Tails the Fox: Unknown, but it can be inputted in the main menu.
- Super Mario: Teletubbies! 3: Same as Tails the Fox.
- Fatman: The Shame 3: We Aren't Going to Tolerate This: Lets you DO A BARREL ROLL in level three, this is necessary to beat the shame as the only microphone in this stage is under the Fatmobile.
- Oobi's Adventure + Uma Vs Vito: Unlocks hard mode.
- Seacactus: Kills the Teletubbies with a flock of Banana Chickens, death by potassium!
- Facebook (formerly)
- Real World (rumored)