Korn (spelled as "KoЯn") is an American barbecue delicacy company from Bakersfield, California. As judging by their name, their main food product is the delicious, golden-colored barbecue accessory corn. Their corn is harvested and made from a farm in Cleveland, Ohio. Though Korn mainly sells barbecue items for the summer (steak, burgers, among other variations of delicious gory animal meats), they occasionally harvest other food items such as peaches or cheesecakes.
Korn's food marketing is divided into ten respective sub-products - each selling from different types of food and marketers. They are as follows:
Korn - Korn's first and self-titled sub-product. It is often considered their best work, including caramel corn brands such as Chutes and Ladders and Ball Tongues. Controversy has been caused slightly, as the golden crisp glowing of the corn in the product has occasionally caused people to go Blind.
Life is Peachy - The first issue in which Korn sold peaches, it is led by a manufacturer named Mr. Rogers, who is a fan of the A.D.I.D.A.S company. Unlike the last product, this type of Chi-like food won't Kill You or blind your eyesight. It is also the first Korn product to sell hotdogs and hamburgers.
Follow the Leader - Korn's first truly successful issue. It was more popular than the previous two albums, due to it's commercial nature. It sold 1,700,000 products in it's first two weeks. It was lead by a Freak on a Leash named B.B.K, who was the Children of the Korn and was also rumored to have Got the Life.
Issues - Another rather successful installment, Issues sold 987,000 products in it's first week. The original leader of this group was Dead and Dirty, and would not Wake Up, so they hired a new leader, Somebody Someone. This, along with their debut release, was considered a high point for Korn.