King Michael I. himself
—Micheal I of Romania, having a Nervous Breakdown after being denied entry in 1990
Michael I (Romanian: Mihai I [miˈhaj];. born 25 October 1921) is the ruler of West Romania and therefore claims to be the King of Romania as West Romania does not have relations with East Romania since both claim to be the legitimate Government of Romania. He also reigned from. 1927 to 1930 and again from 1940 until 1947 when he was forced into exile to a little known country called Somalia. by the then Communist Dictator of Romania, Nicolae Ceaușescu. He finally returned in 1993 after the Communist Regime fell and became popular so much so that Romanian Monarchists fought Romanian Communists leading to the Romanian Partition
Revenge Plans and Campaign of Sabotage (1947 - 2019)[]
While in Somalia, King Mike decided that if he were to return to his home country of Romania, He will have to train Somalian Pirates by making them shoot pictures of Ceaușescu as target practice. Unfortunately by the time the Romanian Communist Government was collapsing, another person already took the place as leader of Romania, Ion Iliescu. Feeling Betrayed, He snuck right into Romania attempting to kill Iliescu but was arrested for trying to kill the President and therefore was promptly banned from Romania until Ion Iliescu was elected out. Using his Private Somalian Army and a band of supporters, He set out a Campaign of Sabotage against the new democratic Government which eventually crossed paths with Communist remnants led by Asuka Langley Soryu. and escalated into the 2020 - 2024 Romanian Civil War.
Current Status[]
Currently he is the De Jure King of Romania (as West Romania does not recognize East Romania) and the Leader of West Romania. Unlike Asuka Langley Soryu, He's a more competent and better leader which explains why Governments across the UnWorld designate West Romania as a Pariah State though East Romania is more deserving of that title.