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UnAnything Wiki
Kat Ana Shame

The Box Art for Kat and Ana: The Shame

Kat Ana Shame 2

The Full Box Art of the Shame.

Kat and Ana: The Shame is a video Shame released for the Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii U, NintenD'oh Zii, and NintenD'oh Zii EWW. The Shame is about Kat and Ana doing a quest for a McDonald's Fry. Yep. One single McDonalds Fry.


The shame starts with Kat and Ana going out of a hole in the ground, saying their Catch-phrase. Then they see a Russian tell them to go to Kittehlandia to get the Legendary Fry. The Ninjas now want to eat that fry in order to get Immortality, so they accept the quest and go on and follow a random map.

They then go through 15 levels, and collect gems in order to unlock the door to the Legendary Fry. They then find that Russian, and they tell them that he already ate this. Annoyed, Kat and Ana stab the Russian's stomach in order to get the Fry, and eat it. The Russian then tells them that the Fry was actually just a McDonalds Fry. Annoyed by this, Kat and Ana scream LOUDLY in anger (And I mean Loudly. If you were wearing headphones, then your Eardrums would literally liquefy.), and off-screen murder the Russian.


This shame is a simple half Click-Point Adventure, Half Beat-em-up. Kat and Ana move quite Quickly, and are easy to control. The Goal is to collect a gem at the end of Every level. But the gem is protected by a boss, so you have to defeat him/her in order to get it.


Shameplay of Level 13 in Kat and Ana: The Shame.

The Nunchuck is required to play the shame, but only in one player. The reason why is because of the Player having to control BOTH Kat and Ana and their actions. With two players, all you need is 2 Wii remotes and your good to go. Also, if one of the sisters die, the other will be in a fury mode where their attacks cause double! Neat, isn't it? Well, it's not.

Levels and Bosses[]

Level 1: Soviet Russia[]

Boss: Vladimir Putin

Level 2: Japan[]

Boss: Godzilla

Level 3: Sonic Islands[]

Boss: Sonic (Phase 1), Super Sonic (Phase 2)

Level 4: Hitler's Grave[]

Boss: Adolf Hitler

Level 5: Teletubby Land[]

Boss: Teletubbies (Phase 1), Teletubbies Unbound (Phase 2)

Level 6: Pickle Land[]

Boss: Vlasic

Level 7: Hungry Pumpkin's Insides[]

Boss: Mrs. Dictator

Level 8: Santa's Workshop[]

Boss: Santa Claus (Phase 1), Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (Phase 2)

Level 9: Miitopia[]

Boss: Doppelgangers of Kat and Ana

Level 10: Kittehlandia[]

Boss: Chuck Norriseegee

Level 11: Captain 0 Land[]

Boss: Captain 1

Level 12: WarioWare, Inc.[]

Boss: Wario

Level 13: The Moon[]

Boss: Moon (Phase 1), Sun (Phase 2)

Level 14: The PikPik Republic[]

Boss: Olimar

Level 15: Bowser Empire[]

Boss: Bowser

Level 16: Temple of the Legendary Fry[]

Boss: Some Russian Dude (FINAL BOSS!)

Level S: Dimension 666[]

Boss: Giygas (Phase 1), Freakygas (Phase 2), Ronald McGiygas (Phase 3)

Note: Doing this will unlock the secret character Michelangelo and Leonardo. This stage is also unlocked by finishing the shame 12 times.

Playable Characters[]

  • Kat
  • Ana
  • Michelangelo (Done by 100%ing the shame.)
  • Leonardo (Done by 100%ing the shame.)


This shame was kinda bad. It got a 4/10 on IGN, and the only one who truly likes it is Captain 0, who thought it was cool having Captain 1 as a boss.


  • At least 567 random kids' ears bled while beating the shame.
  • Also, the shame over screen for this shame frightened 42 random kids, as well.
    Shame Over

    The Spoopy shame Over screen. Notice a Demon is sending Kat and Ana to Hell while the Russian Guy is pleasurably watching.

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