UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Kasane Teto (重音テト) is some girl with drills for hair and was created by Scientist-San as a supposed "April Fools" joke but people fell for it because people are stupid as hell and people gave her a glitchy, goofy-ahh voice that people love. She's evil, but many other Vocaloids are worse.


April 1st, 2008

The guy behind 'loids like Hatsune Miku and MEIKO made an April Fools' joke about a "nEw FuCkInG vOcAlOiD!!!!" that shockingly never happened.

Or did it? Some people who were mad at scientist-san volunteered to make Teto themselves and whilst trying to make it very evil made one that's just normal evil. She roamed the city beating people up with rubber ducks with rocks. She was arrested but escaped and was never found.

Transition to AI[]

Kasane Teto AI

I wasn't kidding when I told you to be careful who you call ugly in school.

At some time some Vocaloid clone powered by Artificial Idiocy decided to get the rights to her and make her a new voicebank powered by AI. And the result is completely unimaginable, non glitchy and crystal clear. The only time AI has been good. Her singing in AI is good, but she's still a bad person. But nowhere near as evil as others. However, SynthV is not Teto Territory as she will always belong to the lazy Vocaloid clone UTAU and not this AI bullshit. *Glitchy Teto voice intensifies*


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This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help our captain keep this article awesome by editing the page.[VE]editing the page. If this page is not made 20% cooler soon, it could get deleted.

CFM Vocaloids [ / ]
Everyone Else [ / ]
GUMI (Matryoshka Gumi) - Camui Gackpo - Kasane Teto - Akita Neru - IA