Jetix is the only good children's channel. It's owned by I: Independent Television, which is owned by Cyber-Dee. Cyber-Dee wanted the channel to be so good that he actually cancelled ALL shows that were bad, some FOR NO REASON, like My Life as a Teenage Robot! This shows a variety of shows. Thanks, Cyber-Dee!
They picked up Invader Zim after Nickelodeon cancelled him. They also picked up WWE Raw from USA Network, after WWE went TV-G JUST TO GET MORE VIEWERS! WWE RAW Eventually Moved to PAX when the contract ran out. The Angry Video Game Nerd got his own show here, because he needed more viewers, and JETIX was just the right place. Almost all of their series get cancelled, due to the EXTREMELY picky quality control team. That's why they cancelled Yu Gi Oh Zexal.
- Pucca
- Spy vs. Spy
- MadTV
- The Paper Doll Man Show
- Monty Python's Flying Circus (Replaced WWE Raw)
- AVGN (Heavily edited to get rid of the inappropriate content without harming plots)
- Invader Zim
- Don't Lift That Heavy Object!
- The Shwo Show
- Fatman: The Show (Because Fatman SUCKS! Moved to Didney XD)
- Bubsy (Because the show SUCKED! Moved to Didney Channel)
- Baby Einstein (Insult to Babies AND Einstein! Moved to Didney Junior)
- Super Mario Bros. Super Show (Low Ratings. Moved to Pax)
- My Life As A Teenage Robot (Cancelled FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 Moved to Nickelodeon)
- Spider-Man (Lawsuit from Didney. Moved to Didney XD)
- Yu Gi Oh Zexal (Quailty control was TOO picky! Moved to CITV)
- WiiTV (NO REASON! Moved to Crap Network)
- My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (Low Ratings. Moved to Hub (now Discovery Family) )
- WWE RAW (Contract Ran Out. Moved to Pax)
- A ton of other shows that we can't list here