Jesus Christ is the son of God and one of the most powerful beings in existence. He wanted a position in the Undefeatables, but his dad said no (which is probably one of the reasons why Jesus died).
Jesus was first born because God was doing a salvation plan for humanity. Nine months later, a woman gave birth to Jesus Christ. Jesus declared himself son of God. God took pity on this boy and adopted him. He also possessed him, which was rather creepy, but then again Jesus is technically God, so it's not creepy.
Jesus grew up as the great son of God, but he was also God himself. Anyway, Jesus saved lotsa people so he got impaled on a cross to take on the evil of the world. Then he came back to life because he was God. He established the church and will come back to judge and reward the world, which will mean Jesus will be very happy to some and very angry to much of the world.
Now people have crosses in their homes and churches as a remembrance.
- Jesus's halo used to belong to God, but he gave it to Jesus.
- Jesus might be sus because of the last three letters in his name.
- Despite common belief, the word "Fucking" is not Jesus' middle name.
- Due to having conflicting moral values, Jesus and Hank J. Wimbleton are rivals.
- Jesus created the A.A.H.W., which later became the UnPolice after Jesus gave the A.A.H.W. to Dr. S.
- Jesus has voiced that he has no homosexual relations with Jeff Bezos who constantly brags "Jesus is my wife".
- Despite many recent allegations, Jesus Christ is not secretly a previous incarnation of Sonichu hellbent on taking over the world.
- Jesus Christ and Jebediah Christoff are the exact same person. Despite this, Jesus doesn't like how he's portrayed in Madness Combat.

Jesus Christ partying with party-people.