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UnAnything Wiki
Flag of Sodor

The flag of this island.

The Island of Sodor (or just Sodor) is where Thomas the Tank Engine lives. It is part of the UnUK.



The island in 1932. The people are just wandering around for no reason, don't question.

Sodor used to be called the Isle of Man. It was inhabited by freaky things with 3 legs and no other body parts, as shown on the flag. Then the Bri'ish took over, because it was right next to Scotland, and killed all the freaky 3-legged things, but kept the flag, because it looked cool.

While the rest of the UK abandoned steam trains, in favour of diesel and electric, the Isle of Man maintained a heritage railway as a tourist trap. One day, Chuck Norris decided to give all the trains on this railway faces and feelings, because he could. He also renamed it to Sodor, because that sounded cooler.

Sodor was obscure, until Somebody made a TV show about all the talking trains on it. Now, it is a popular tourist attraction. In the 90's the place was modernised, with much more modern trains, cities, infrastructure etc.

The territory is also duplicated in the CBUT.
