UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki
Ultimate Darkness

Some planet after Ducky tested his new power.

INVALID! is a (semi) powerful technique invented and used by Ducky. He is the only being known to use this technique, but Dark Ducky is also rumored to possess the power. By yelling the word INVALID!, the user tricks the atoms that make up a person into thinking that they are invalid and thus severs the atoms' chemical bonds, causing them to cease existing.


One day, Ducky was doing paperwork, and recycling paper like the (semi) environmentally-friendly supreme monarch he was. Suddenly, out of a pile of goose-paper, a wild coupon appeared! Ducky had saved it because he didn't want to pay at Wendy's. However, he had failed to notice an expiration date on the coupon, which he noticed now, after it had already expired. As you do, he read it out loud:

After 4/20/69, this coupon is...INVALID‽


Immediately, the coupon asploded in a firey puff of ash, and thus Ducky learned how to better make his enemies in the Old War DIE (semi) efficiently...


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help the UnAnything Wiki out by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it might get deleted.


This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help the UnAnything Wiki out by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it might get deleted.
