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UnAnything Wiki

A Helicopter is a pretty cool flying vehicle. There are many kinds of helicopter.



One of the first helicopters. Note that it is very small, and doesn't go fast.


An attack helicopter. Very epic.

One day, the ESRB wanted to mobilize quickly to take AO rated Shames off store shelves. So, helicopters were invented. The first helicopters were small. Later on, some dude modified a small bean helicopter, and turned it into something epic.

More flight-rotor bois[]


This helicopter was made by teh epic guy himself


A twin-rotor boi.

One day, Master Chief got bored, and made a helicopter. Some guy also decided to make a twin-rotor helicopter. Sometimes, armies jump out of them.

Use in media[]

Helicopters are most commonly seen in shames. They are seen a lot in Call of Ducky and its sequels, as well as the helicopter level in Halo: Outta Reach. They are also seen in some movies or something.


Helicopters are primarily used by ESRB, when they need to mobilize. They may also be used for cargo. Sometimes, they are given names. From top image to bottom image, their names are "Little Bird," "Apache," "Falcon," and "Chinook." It is tradition to give helicopters cool names. There is a smaller version of the Chinook called a "Sea Knight," but it isn't seen often. The average helicopter price is $50 UnDollars. They aren't expensive.
