Great Days
This song usually plays when you have a "great" day, but good days work too.
Having a good day is the exact opposite of the curse that is Having a bad day. If you have a good day, your day is going to be good! It is completely fine to have a good day, and 9 out of 10 doctors recommend it. The 1 lone doctor out of 10 didn’t recommend it, but that’s a story for another time. So yeah, have a good day!
How to have a good day[]
You can do something you enjoy, doing something good (both for yourself and for the community), You can do a lot of stuff to have a good day. Anything that’s the opposite of bad can make you have a good day. Stuff like playing some Baseball with your friends is a good thing. Meeting an Undefeatable is really cool and can help you have a good day, but the chances of THAT happening are extremely low. BUT all of these things will increase your chances:
- Getting something really cool
- Something awesome happening to you
- Meeting a YouTuber in person.
- Doing something really cool
By having a good day, you release all the stress you may have built up from having countless bad days. You WILL feel it, or maybe you won’t. Maybe you don’t care. Let me tell you something, good days are inevitable, you can try to escape it but they WILL come back to bite you.
People worry if having too many good days is evil. Although science denies it, the disbelievers do not agree with it and think that science is worse than Friday the 13th, worse then always-online DRM, worse than region locking and WAY worse than a LOT of other stuff! It’s best to think of these believers as fools.
- You never have good days, only bad days.
- Chuck Norris has so many good days it’s best not to think about it.