Having a bad day is one of the worst curses in the UnWorld. Seriously. It's bad. So many things could go wrong, you could trip, you could meet Weegee, you could eat a bad taco at Taco Bell, or you could find out you're Waluigi. I wouldn't wish this curse on my worse enemy (except maybe Brandon from high school). Chuck Norris has never had a bad day, because he's epic and cool.
The status of having a bad day once given to you can't be given away. You also can't be having a bad day and eating it too, that just doesn't make any sense.
How to have a bad day[]
You can say today is a day to have a bad day, but that won't make you be having a bad day. To truly be having a bad day you must involuntarily experience something that saddens or upsets you, like a divorce or a loved one dying. You could also be Squidward and every day to you is bad.
How to have a good day instead[]
Ya know, I really think that you should go to this article instead: Having a good day
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This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help pigs fly by editing the page.[VE]editing the page. If this page is not made 20% cooler soon, it might be deleted.