Grover was one of Elmo's greatest accomplices. He was a member of the Elmo mob for a while, but was betrayed, so now he is a dead guy (erm... was).
Grover was born in Sesame Street. At the time of his birth, it was not crime filled. He was raised on the principle that good is good, and bad is bad. He believed this until he hit his head one morning while riding a skateboard WITHOUT A HELMET! He forgot, and thought good was bad, and bad was good.
Elmo was struck by lightning, and swiftly turned Sesame Street into a crime-ridden wasteland. Elmo recruited Grover as his second in command of the Elmo mob. He served Elmo loyally for a long time.
One night, Elmo was giving a speech to his most loyal mob members, Grover included. But then, Grover accidentally coughed. Elmo pulled out his Magnum, and blew Grover's brains out.
He survived and once out from the hospital he went to surprise Kermit, for no particular reason. Kermit, surprised by Grover, threw an axe through his head, killing him instantly. He ended up rejoining as a ghost.
However, in 2026, to Elmo‘s surprise, somebody revived Grover, he was mad and wanted revenge, he then said that he would rather be the leader of the Elmo Gang, and then dropped Elmo in the ocean to to die. Elmo was revived 10 hours later and bonked him on the head (don't worry, Cyborg Grover didn't die).
Grover's story, up to 2020, was later told in the shame Grand Theft Sesame Street.
Grover has had only two children in his lifetime, the first of which being Grover Jr, leader of the Sesame Street Militia. Grover Jr.'s accomplishments include annexing the land of Big Bird, among others. Grover's second child died during childhood and was roasted for dinner the night he died. His name has never been revealed publicly, as Grover has been trying to sweep the whole incident under the rug. The mothers of the two children were most likely prostitutes.
- During an interview with Grover's parents. They claim that Grover was just adopted and that they found him in a garbage bin.
- Grover is 2302 years old.
- Grover was one of the warriors of 300.
- Grover had his tonsils removed in an operation.
- He is the only person to ever have served two non-consecutive terms as the USA president.
- Grover once built a legendarily bad house, called Groverhaus.