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Gappy 3 Sus

The (really bad) box art of Gappy the Shame 3: Sus.

Gappy the Shame 3: Sus is a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure shame that was released for Xbox 360, Xbox ONE, Play Station 3, and Play Station 4 on December 24, 2020. This shame is part of the Gappy video shame series. After the events of Gappy the Shame 2: Battle In Quahog, Gappy goes to space with 10 other people. However, Wario finds out that there are three imposters, but for some reason, Wario doesn't know who!

This shame is obviously a cash grab, since the shame Among Us became popular in 2020. Also, this shame has lots of swearing and violence, just like the previous two Gappy shames.

A sequel called Gappy the Shame 4: Gappy Kart released on February 1st, 2021.


Unlike the first two Gappy shames, this shame has the exact same shameplay as Among Us. Unlike Among Us, this shame is singleplayer, and is more similar to a visual novel type of shame.

The only playable character is Josuke “Gappy” Higashikata, who is, yet again, NOT the same person as Josuke Higashikata.

Story Mode[]


A screenshot of Level 1.

Level 1[]

Gappy is on a spaceship called P.I.N.G.A.S., and he is with Wario, Sonic, Woody, Teardrop, Shrek, Squidward, Chuck Norris, Cake, Sans, and Pico.

Gappy: "Hey Wario, where are we?"

Wario: “We are in space, dumbass! And even worse, there are 3 imposters trying to kill us!"

"I'M NOT SUS!!!" Cake cries.

"Shut up, Cake!" Everyone says.

Gappy: "I think we should do tasks. We don't have evidence yet."

Wario: “Good idea, Gappy.”

Gappy meets up with Woody and asks "What's that?".

Woody: "I’m eating Tubby Custard."

Gappy: “What the fuck? Wait… your that piece of wood who's afraid of everything."

Woody: "Except for Teardrop!"

Teardrop nods in agreement.

Gappy: "Even ghosts are afraid of ghosts, LOL".

Teardrop: “Correct.”


Gappy: "What's wrong Woody?"

Woody: "My girlfriend Teardrop never talks! But her voice is British, and that's sexy."

"Hey donkey, how do you two know each other?" Shrek asks Woody.

Woody: "It's a long story, but after Teardrop kicked me-"

Gappy: "Teardrop kicked you?! That's sus, I'm telling!"

Woody: "Don't worry, she didn't hurt me."

Teardrop: "I didn't kick him! I tripped him!"

Shrek: "Don't lie, Donkey! I watched BFDI, and you hurt Woody on purpose!"

Teardrop: "Listen, I'm sorry! I was just angry at the time!"

Shrek: "Angry? Listen Donkey, you are a lot more than just angry, your evil!"

Gappy: "Teardrop, did you kick Woody?"

Teardrop: "Yes, I'm sorry!"

Gappy: "Guys, let's vote for Teardrop to get kicked into space!"

Shrek: "Good idea, Donkey."

Everyone, except Woody, agrees to vote for Teardrop, and she looks scared.

Teardrop: "STOP!!! I'M SORRY!!!"

Gappy: "Sorry Teardrop, but only imposters hurt people! Any last words?"

Teardrop: "Yes. In fact, I'm not the imposter, Chuck Norris is!"


Teardrop gets ejected out the P.I.N.G.A.S. Teardrop dies, but she is not the imposter. Three imposters left.

Level 2[]

Gappy: "Nani, Teardrop is not the imposter?"

Chuck Norris: "I'm also not the imposter. If I was the imposter, then that would be fucking stupid."

Woody cries over Teardrop's death.

Gappy: "I'm sorry Woody, I thought that Teardrop was the imposter."

Woody: "Fuck you Gappy! I think YOU are the imposter!"

Gappy: “But I’m not the imposter.”

Woody: “Oh, nevermind.”

The next room is a library, for some reason. Like seriously, why is there a fuckin' library on a spaceship?!

Gappy: "Hey Cake, how are you doing?"

Cake: "I'm fine, what about you?"

Gappy: "Good, and you?"

Cake: "Good... I miss talking to you though."

Gappy: "Nani... have we met before?"

Cake: "Um... yeah. I remember you now. You're that girl from the amusement park that I talked to."

Gappy: "What the fuck, I'm a man!"

Gappy pulls his pants down to prove to Cake that he’s a man.


Gappy: "Uh... I'm a fusion of two different men. 2 balls + 2 balls equals 4 balls. You fucking suck at math, I'm going to check on Wario."

Cake: "I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Gappy: "Aww, why?"

Cake: "I HATE MEN!"

Gappy: "What the fuck, your also a man..."

Cake: "Shut up! I'm a man, but I HATE men!"

Gappy pulls his pants back up, and he leaves the library, and goes the bathroom.

Gappy: "Damn, Cake is so retarded, and I need to take a p- OH MY GOD!!!"

Gappy finds a dead body in the bathroom. It's Wario, and he's dead. Not big surprise.

Gappy: "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!!! But to be fair, Wario is stinky as fuck..."

Gappy reports Wario's death.

Squidward: "Who the fuck would kill Wario?! He’s so hot!”

Woody: “Ew, your fucking gay Squidward.”

Sonic: "Guys, I think the imposter is Cake."

Gappy: "But Cake was with me before I found Wario. It can't be him. It also can't be Chuck Norris, because he's awesome."

Sonic: "Well, I haven't heard from Pico in a while."

Gappy: "Pico! Did you kill Wario?"

Pico: "No, but I shot up a school."


Gappy: "Let's vote for Pico to get ejected from the spaceship!"

Everyone agrees, and Pico is kicked out of the P.I.N.G.A.S. Pico dies, and he is an imposter. Two imposters left.

Level 3[]

Gappy: "Man, I'm so happy that Cake is not the imposter!"

Cake: "Oh thank god you believe me..."

Gappy meets up with Sans.

Sans: "hey, human."

Gappy: "Hey Sans. How are you doing on your task?"

Sans: "it's fine."

Gappy: "Are you still working on building a staircase?"

Sans: "yep."

Gappy: "Good job. But we still need to know who the two remaining imposters are."

Sans: "yeah..."

Gappy: "Hey, so who do you think the two potential candidates could be?"

Sans: "i don't know. I really think it's squidward.

Gappy: "Why Squidward?"

Sans: "because he's pissed at you."

Gappy: "I think we should check on Squidward."

Sans: "huh. i guess you're right."

Suddenly, there is a loud beep. You and Sans go to meet with the others.

Gappy: "God damnit, who died this time?!"

Sonic: "Squidward died, and that's no good!"

Gappy: "Sans, your sus!"

Sans: "what?! no!"

Gappy: "You thought that Squidward was the imposter!"

Sans: "but i was with you the whole time!"

Sonic: "Well, I don't care who the fuck it is, Squidward's dead now!"

Gappy: "Wait... Sonic just said that he doesn't care about the imposter... SONIC IS SUS!!!"

Sonic: "WHAT?!"

Gappy: "There's no way Sans can be with me and kill Squidward at the same time! Squidward is slow, so that made him an easy target for you to kill, Sonic!"

Sonic: "Nope! I deny your accusation!"

Sans: "sorry sonic, but imposters like you will have a bad time..."

Sonic gets ejected out of the P.I.N.G.A.S. Sonic dies, but he is not the imposter. Two imposters left.

Level 4[]

Gappy: "What... HOW?! This makes no sense! THIS IS FUCKING STUPID!!!"

Shrek: "Don't worry Donkeys, we will kick the imposters out of our swamp!"

Gappy: "Skrek, are you stupid? This is a spaceship."

Shrek: "I don't give a fuck, our swamp is ours and we won't let some fucking imposters steal it away from us!"

Gappy meets up with Woody in the camera room.

Woody: "Hey, so we have a problem."

Gappy: "Fuck your problem! Why are you watching Teletubbies? Is it because your a little fuckin' baby?!

Suddenly, there's another loud beep. You and Woody meet up with the others.


Shrek: "I'm sorry Donkey, but Sans is dead..."

Gappy: "What kind of asshole would kill Sans? He's funny!"

Chuck Norris: "Calm down everybody. Cake is the imposter."

Woody: "No, it can't be..."

Gappy: "Now that I think about it, Cake did tell me that he hates men. Except for Teardrop, everybody who died just so happened to be a man!"

Cake: "I don't care if you believe me or not, but the rest of you better believe that I'm an imposter."

Shrek: "Did... did you just call yourself the imposter? Damn Donkey, you suck."

Cake gets ejected out of the P.I.N.G.A.S. Cake dies, and he is an imposter. One imposter remains.

Level 5 & Ending[]

Gappy: "Well, we are close to winning. There is only one imposter left, so who is it? I know It's not me..."

Chuck Norris: "You are the imposter, Gappy."

Gappy: "What?! That's not even possible, I would never hurt anybody!"

Chuck Norris: "But you voted for Teardrop to get ejected into space!"

Woody: "I knew it was Gappy. He even called me a little fuckin' baby!"

Gappy: "I'm sorry Woody! I just find it weird that you watch shitty TV shows like the Teletubbies!"

Woody: "Fuck you, you don't even know me!"

Shrek: "Well Donkey, I agree with Chuck Norris, because he's Chuck Norris."

Gappy: "No, I'm not Donkey, I'm just Gappy."

Shrek: "Whatever you say, Imposter."

Gappy: "Guys, please stop! I killed Nobody!"

Chuck Norris: "Wait... Nobody is a person. Gappy is sus, let's vote him out!"

Gappy dies. He is not the imposter. One imposter left.

Shrek: "Wait... Gappy is not the imposter? But Chuck Norris always tells the truth!"

Chuck Norris: "Damn, Shrek and Woody, your so stupid, thinking I was a crewmate."

Shrek: "What? Is this some kind of shitty joke-"

Chuck Norris roundhouse kicks Shrek's head off. Skrek dies. Woody screams in fear. Woody tries to run, but nobody can outrun Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris karate chops Woody in half, killing him.


Is there a good ending?[]

There is no good ending. YOU CAN’T DEFEAT CHUCK NORRIS!!!


Biased Ratings Gappy the Shame 3: Sus a 3/10, because “Sus” has three letters. Chuck Norris loved this shame and gave it an 8/10 mostly because of the ending. Fans of BFDI hated this shame, due to Woody speaking in full sentences.

The ESRB gave this shame a E rating, and PEGI gave the same rating (7) they rated on Gappy the Shame 2: War in Quahog.


  • This shame was originally going to be the last Gappy shame, since Gappy gets killed by Chuck Norris in the end. However, due to the unexpected success of Gappy the Shame 3: Sus, the Teletubbies and Blocky decided to make more Gappy shames.
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