Fl00rB0ardia (also parsed as Floorboardia) is the home of floorboards. It was created by Floorboard King and is made entirely of floorboards. The core is also made of floorboards. It is one of the many planets in the UnUniverse. It is slightly bigger than Earth.
The planet's population is largely made up of Floorboardians but has the occasional Tilesians and Teletubby. They worship Floorboard King and celebrate his birthday on December 56th because they can. They call this holiday FlrBrd Day. On FlrBrd Day all they eat is grapes, grape juice, and Kool-Aid. They celebrate Halloween but give out grape juice instead of candy.
Popular Locations[]
List of popular locations:
- Grape Hut- Similar to Pizza Hut but only serves pizza with grapes on it.
- Freddy Fazbear's Kool-Aid: A Freddy Fazbear's Pizza that has Kool Aid Guy animatronics dressed up in costumes and they serve Kool-Aid and pizza.
- Flr-Mart: Wal-Mart for floors!
- Floorboard King's Palace: This is where Floorboard King lives. He eats his favorite food here, Grape Juice.
- Hobo Jon's Box: This where Hobo Jon lives. People like to throw tomatoes and coconuts at him.
Famous Inhabitants[]
List of famous inhabitants:
- Floorboard King
- Hobo Jon
- Balloon Boy's evil twin, Lemur Lad
- Sam Blam Ram-Dam, the creator of Flr-Mart