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UnAnything Wiki

Fishmen are a species which are a combination of humans and fishes or other sea creatures. If you are a human or anything that isn't a fishman, they are usually very disturbing to look at. They can also breathe both underwater and on land, and are slightly stronger than the average human. Some of them are also racist towards humans, but many of them are also not.


Fishmen were the result of multiple experiments. Basically, they are what you get when you combine a fish and a human's DNA by any means possible. For example, a lab experiment to enhance human abilities by inserting fish blood into them, or merging a human and a fish in the Wa-Machine.

Multiple experiments like mentioned above were performed, but the experiments were considered FAILED because the fishmen were ugly. So what did the scientists do with them? Instead of disintregrating them, they dumped them in the ocean. The chemicals didn't go into the water alongside the fishmen because there were no chemicals, well just not hazardous ones.

Fishmen would live in the oceans, both deep and high, but rarely the surface. Fishmen can live outside and breathe, but rarely ever do because they are killed and ostracized by humans. This is because they are disturbing to look at, and are strong, so they are mistaken for blood-thirsty monsters when they are actually very friendly.

However, some fishmen are not friendly and are racist towards humans because they see them as a threat, and are inferior to them.

Today, there isn't much racism in fishmen towards humans, but there is lots of racism towards fishmen in humans.

Speciesism towards humans[]

Speciesism (wow that's hard to pronounce) is basically racism or discrimination towards a particular species. A lot of fishmen are racist towards humans and have great hatred for them because of some evil dudes. But one time the fishmen pissed off Chuck Norris and they almost went extinct again but that time they deserved it.

The specific guy who started all the speciesism was Arlong.

Guys that are fishmen[]

  • Jimbei - the coolest fishman, he is also not disturbing to look at
  • Arlong - the evilest fishman


Fishmen have enhanced fighting abilities there are slightly superior to humans. Also, all fishmen can waterbend since they come from water. This gives them water based attacks. They also invented a martial art called Fish-Man Karate.


Fishmen have a smaller culture than humans since there aren't as many of them as there are humans. Their culture includes stuff like Fishman Television, which is underwater cables and screens located in a secret area which provide entertainment, as well as martial arts like Fish-Man Karate, and many other things. They don't eat seafood however because that is technically cannibalism, so they eat foods like seaweed, sea pickles, sea plantains, arrowhead, etc. Food is hard to get underwater so they also obtain foods from the surface from a secret supplier.


  • Fishman hate it when you call them a "fishyman." We don't know why, but just don't do it. It may cause an explosion like one created by the Nuzzlets.