Firefox is the second greatest browser. Why is it so great? Well, I don't know! It just is! OK, I know now! It's so great because it is open source. It's developed by people that actually know how to make a good browser, (Mozilla) and is constantly being updated, so that you don't get viruses. It's NOT endorsed or spied on by the NSA. It is also one of the only programs that Linux can run.
It's NOT gonna lose, I promise. In fact, this will save us all! Firefox is fast! That means no waiting 2000 years just to get a picture!
The first version of Firefox was released on November 29, 2005. It was the first greatest browser until Google Chrome was created in September 2, 2008 to butt in. Blake Ross got angry at Google. Blake Ross started to genetically engineer a fox. The fox's deoxyribonucleic acid was altered to create a fox that can produce fire. When Google found out about the fox, they constructed a super robot that looks like Google Chrome's logo. This resulted the Browsers War. After more than 570 years of battle, both browsers gave up and they eventually became friends. Their current main goal is to destroy Internet Explorer and Safari because everybody knows they suck.
The guy[]
Firefox is actually the last and best project by Blake Ross. The first was Mozilla, a ripoff of Godzilla (or perhaps Gorosaurus) that never caught on. The next, Phoenix, was assassinated by Phoenix Technologies for copyright infringement and Firebird passed away due to a stop error at 4 months, and many more were created and forgotten. However, Firefox bears not only traits of all of these previous guys, but even more, like powers over the quantum realm, and the ability to climb walls and greater dexterity.
- Blake Ross (Adopted father)
- Thunderbird (Adopted brother)
- Amaterasu (Sister)
- Firefox Fennec (Son)
Everyone thought he died in the Oversimplificationing, but he actually faked his death to better kick butt and provide cover for Blake Ross so Firefox could raise his son, Firefox Fennec.