UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki

Fimbo unleashed (AKA Fuckbo Unleashed) is a Shame starring Fimbo for PlayStation 3.It is based on the Fimbles.The plot is VERY Similar to Po Unleashed!.

Fimbo unleashed

the boxart


Fimbo wakes up in the comfy corner one day and discovers that Florrie stole his Crumble Cracker.So he decides to kill Florrie and for some totally unknown reason, kill Tinky Winky.He tries to become king of Fimble Valley.He starts by running over people with pom's trundle truck if they don't tell him where Florrie is. Eventually, Rockit tells him that Florrie is in Hell so Fimbo goes to Hell, but Florrie is not there. So, Fimbo asks Florrie where Florrie is.Florrie points at Roly Mo, So Fimbo shoots him.Roly dies.Fimbo turns back to Florrie, realizing she must be Pom so Fimbo shoots her.He then takes over the valley, but then get mutilated.


This shame can be seen on ShamesCoarse like other shames.
