Faust, also known by his real name Dr. Baldhead, is a goofy doctor for the Top Hat Mafia. Not many people have ever seen his face, but people always wonder why he never shows his face. Well, that's a very long story, and it would begin on that fateful day.
Dr. Baldhead was the greatest surgeon ever, with a literal 5-star rating in the medical profession. Everything was going well until that one day Baldhead was operating on a young patient, probably a kid. The patient died during the operation, and Baldhead went insane as he saw himself as being directly responsible for the death of a child. He snapped and went on a murderous rampage in Ohio. After a long killing spree, Baldhead regained his humanity and realized that he's supposed to be a healer, not a harmer, so tried to KILL HIMSELF. But before he could fucking slit his own throat with that gigantic scalpel, he saw an unknown figure that was later identified as Balan. The figure told him that it wasn't his fault: that the other guy operating on the patient was an assassin sent by a rival family. Faust decided not to take his life, and instead ran away to get a new identity as his current name, Faust, and decided to work outside the licensed medical system, helping random strangers with their injuries and asking for nothing in return.
A few years later, he decided to become a doctor of a small village in London, but he decided to go to another village to take care of a blind girl known as Josephine. However, he was attacked by the assassins guild along with Dizzy and everyone's favorite non-binary gear, Testament, who tells his goofy ass to make Josephine see again. However, after restoring her sight, his office was burned down by the UnPolice because of Dizzy's existence and her bounty. Josephine slapped Dizzy, and they left, leaving Faust to scold Josephine and tell her to reflect on her actions. Still, Faust is the best doctor you could ever wish for, as he tries to stop others from harming people. Faust does like harming people, but he won't let his psychotic tendencies ruin his career as a doctor again.
The unknown figure would appear yet again one day and tell him that the death of the young girl was caused by the Nintendo Ninjas and DJ Hallyboo. That's right, guys, not only has Hallyboo killed a child, but Nintendo decided to cause the mishap after finding out that there were pirated shames on the girl's Shame Boi Micro, and as such, sent Hallyboo and the Ninjas to cause the mishap incident that would cause Faust to go insane.
A few incidents and stuff he had to deal with, like a stupid disease that turns Japanese people into gears THAT ASPLODE! and other stuff revolving around a man in a bed robot thing. I don't know, GG lore is stupid.
Faust decided to join a small group as he needed to bring his medical expertise somewhere, and yet again, Faust would meet the unknown figure who would introduce himself as Balan and invite him to join the THM. Faust would join because he wanted to be a part of something.
In The Top Hat Mafia[]
Faust would become the medic and doctor of the THM, taking care of the sick members, but he has had a few incidents which involved him trying to kill Hallyboo for starting his descent into madness. Thank God Gremmie did us all a favor and killed Hallyboo.
Faust has opinions on the other members, like how Iwasaki tried to flirt with him several times and tried to remove his bag:
- He thinks of Topham like a greedy devil.
- He treats Ally Kabam like a child, which might be the result of the trauma of the incident and that he wants to protect the young and not let the mishap happen again, but 'tis no matter.
- He's friends with most of the Goths and even Kasumi Todoh of all people.
- He thinks of Juno like the annoying cousin you see every weekend, and she's the only person who's seen him without the bag.
Faust is one of the few nice members in Top Hat Mafia history and one of the best doctors they ever knew. But soon Faust would get tired of this senseless violence and planned to begin a group that was focused on stopping these threats. So what he did was simple: he traveled to recruit A.B.A, Baiken,Axl Low, Slayer, Testament, and Bloodshot in order to begin the Guilty Gear Alliance.
- He's one of the only members who doesn't wear a top hat because he thinks it'll rip his bag.
- There is a canon depiction of Captain 0 based on him.