- For the Real Hell, click here.

A view of Hades' House
Fake Hell is a cavern under Sparta that is ruled by Hades. Fake Hell was created by Mickey Mouse on June 13, 1997. This was largely because he wanted to make a movie and create gods. The main difference between Hell and Fake Hell is that there is blue instead of red, and is much smaller.
On June 13, 1997, Mickey Mouse went into the middle of nowhere in Sparta to magically create Fake Hell for entertainment purposes. With that, he created Hades, the ruler of Fake Hell. Hades was all good until Hercules falcon punched Hades and made him clinically depressed for the rest of his life. Now, Hades plays Call of Duty and rages all the time.
River of Social Degenerates[]
The River of Social Degenerates is home to all the souls that Hades made die because he made him mad in Call of Duty. The souls in the river often masturbate, making the liquid form of the river.
Hades' House[]
Hades' House is located in the center of Fake Hell. This is where hades plays Call of Duty, gets mad, and sends people down to his river.
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