The Fabric of the UnOmniverse is very important, as it keeps the various alternate UnMultiverses in the UnOmniverse from each other. This fabric is made of Plotholium and Chuck Norris’s Tears, as well as other things. It is a super-strong element that anything can pass through without destroying it, and also, at one point, served the purpose of endlessly creating matter in a process similar to the Big Bang. Now, it is beyond infinite. Basically, this fabric is everything and is also where the beginning of the whole UnOmniverse happened, of course. It is defended by Chuck Norris, and was also created by Chuck Norris.
Again, it is meant to hold everything, and yup, I mean everything, like your house, mathematics, logic, You, Tierboskat, etc. Neither you or Tierboskat have anything to do with any of this, but it’s just fun to mention random people for hahas. Chuck Norris originally created this when he didn’t have a physical form yet, and then gave himself a physical form and then created lots of things, like reality, and Plotholium, which is weird since he created the UnOmniverse with Plotholium, but Plotholium didn’t exist yet, so he made it later. He realized this weird reality glitch that even exists outside of reality, and then used it to its advantage. A similar reality glitch would later happen involving Infinity, Negative Infinity, and probably numbers that don’t exist, resulting in the creation of Tabuu.
The reality glitch mentioned last paragraph was exploited by Chuck Norris rather than removed, because of how powerful it is, obviously not more powerful than Chuck Norris, but definitely something he can use to his advantage. Although this fabric and it’s reality glitch mainly serves the purpose of creating the entire UnOmniverse, it also serves the purpose of making sure logic works so someone doesn’t for example, fall upwards. But it’s bigger purpose is to make sure nobody messes with Chuck Norris.