An average dragon poop stampede.
Dragon Poops are a species native to the Bowser UnWorld Territories and Dragonrealm, or with both regions bearing the same native name Kumandra. They resemble dragons but are actually mammals because they have fur and give birth to young but still have some reptilian DNA in their code. They also value trust, and they will kill everyone who abuses their trust. The most famous of them is Sisu because you know why.
Dragon Poops are reptilian-like mammals with fur and have a serpentine shape, featuring long horns on their forehead that are often used in territorial battles. They have manes and fins on the end of their tails, as well as legs.
Their extinction and revival[]
The Dragon Poops shared the land of Kumandra (now modern-day Bowser UnWorld territories) with the local tribes there, but Bowser attempted to colonize it with his army of Druun, evil heartless spirits that kill by coming into contact with beings and, upon contact, turn them into statues. This dragon named Sisu and her family made an artifact called the dragon gem with the latter being petrified. Then Sisu was found by Raya, and they gathered all the Dragon Balls that got smashed and put them together to revive all dragons that perished, but accidentally caused a universal apocalypse. They were then sent to Hell where they had a talk with the Devil before being sent back to Earth and being beat up by tribes. Then Bowser returns and PWNs all tribes and dragon poops but Napoleon Bonaparte revived them all and gave Bowser 99 whips.
A list of known Dragon Poops (from oldest to youngest)[]
- As their name suggests they are made of poop