Dongettas are female beings who are experts at the art of Expand Dong. They are not DKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK. They can teach You the art of Expand DONGGGGGGGGGGG. Theeeeeeeeeey aaaaaaaareeeeeeee leææææææææææææææad by theeeeeeeeeee Doooooooooongetta Loooooooooords
They speeeeeaaaaak in a way thaaaaaaat acceeeeeeeeeents the voooooooooowels at raaaaaaaaaaaaandom. It is comparable to the uncontrollable laughing of the Jaaaaaaaack Frooooooosts. They even add unnecessary vooooooowel accenting when wriiiiiiiiiting.
Dongettas look like liiiiiiiiiiiittle faaaaaiiiiiries. They caaaaaaaaan come in maaaaany different colors. They prefer not to show their haaaaaiiiiiir.
Doooooooooongettas are enemies with Jaaaaaaaaaaack Froooooooosts.
This aaaaaaaaaaarticle was maaaaaaaaade by a dongetta.