Dimentio- Dimensio- Dimenti- Di- uh.. Dilem- uh.. Dimentio.. Dimentio is approving what? Who is Dimentio?
Dimentio, uhh... Dimentio approves of this "article" apparently. Who's this funny little jester boy?
Master of... uh.. dimentio- dimensions... pleaser of, uh... dimensions... uh, I'm, uh... who am I again? "Homosexual"? What's that?
Dimentia, also known as Dimentio, Dilemma, Dimention, or the many pseudonyms he's gone by for the past years, is a genderfluid little paper jester who managed to trick a little Italian bugger with a red cap and his green overalled-brother. Somehow this guy was once an Undefeatable, despite having severe memory issues for whatever random wacko reason. Dimentia was also one of the Seven Deadly Sines, for some other odd reason.
DImentA has been afflicted with Dementi- I mean, uh.. Dementia, yes, he was afflicted with Dementia and stuGglinbg with it for the past few yAers. (eveyrhwer atr thbne d of timet!!?) It has gotten worse in the past few mon, motnhs.
Dimentia, born as Dimentio, was born as Dilemma. Technically it was never born, but it was born to a guy named Dim and Enter after some freak accident. They put their names together, and it was Dimenter. That sounded stupid, so they removed the Chinese R from his name for Dimentio. Then, he became a Seven Deadly Sines soon after, but it took half of his life to attain. Meanwhile, he achieved Undefeatability which took another 40 years.
Dimentia has been afflicted with Dementia later on, and he soon forgot he was a male. Thus, he replaced the "O" with an "A".
"Proval He is the Owner Of Enby's Chicken"
Dimentio lieks to torture trolls to.. turn.. turn them good? Trolls are bad? Also apparently he swooned some guy to kiss him on the cheeks every day, and tricked a red capped plumber to give away his brother for 40 dollars so he could turn them into Mr. Gay. Dimentia also joined forces with a peacock only to do absolutely nothing after the same peacock was severely injured in a Deecies counter-attack.
He became a Lower-Lower-Lower Counsel Undefeatable after saying he killed Weegee, though it was actually Luigi and he actually transformed him into a gay robot. The Undefeatables later found out about this, but didn't even care anyways because it wasn't too significant anyways. Dimentia eventually left the Undefeatables after getting diagnosed with Di-Dementia.
With this, Dimentia travelled back in time to like 1945 and then found a building. He found it was the Reichstag. Spider-Man wasn't climbing it sadly, so he RAN LIKE HELL outta there, travelling back to 2020. He then joined teh Seven Deadly Sines, which despite the name were actually incredibly stupid people much like the Nega-Undefeatables[sic]. In a rare occasion where Dimentia regained his dignity, however, he soon abruptly left the building to get a canister of gasoline so that he could fuel his car up to speed away. However, he accidentally dropped the canister. This led to the Seven Deadly Fires, where there were a series of seven fires spanning seven cities. Don't worry, only Nobody died. Or did they?