Twiba complimenting her own appearance in the mirror, gargling and spitting in the process, which is characteristic of Dig-It diction.
The Dig-It language is a tongue that has existed long before modern civilisation and, according to its native speakers, the Dig-Its, shall prevail until Hell freezes over. And by a "tongue", we mean the act of bubbling liquid (don't ask which kind o' liquid specifically) in the mouth whilst simultaneously employing the vocal cords, as to the Dig-Its, such a praxis is what defines a language. As a result of this, as to whom the language's origins can be traced down remains an enigma in present day - all archeologists are certain of is that whoever brought the tongue into existence might as well have been the first invertebrate apple-inhabitant to learn how to gargle Dig-It Land's soily terrain without choking, and decided it was easier to make it a trend than to stop.
As a consequence of this, Dig-It is the second-most spoken language within the holy Dig-It Empire just after English (those filthy colonists and their ever-growing empire), largely due to its use as the official means of communication during ritualistic digging ceremonies and council meetings in areas such as the Dig-It Dungeon, alongside whenever they feel the need to intimidate foreign intruders as according to Twiba, their gurgling tends to scare off "particularly the Uber drivers so that we can carjack them effortlessly and efficiently" for their nefarious intentions which predominantly involve the vehicular manslaughter of anyone who refuses to conform to the Dig-It doctrine.
Mastering the language[]
Fluency in the Dig-It tongue is a task that requires next-level lung capacity and the ability to burble like Perry the Platypus. The grammar of Dig-It is abecedarian, to say the least: the longer and wetter the gargle, the more dramatic the insult. A quick spit could mean anything from "Pass me your shovel!" to "Move your fat tail, you diabetic muppet!" depending on how much saliva splatter is involved. The actual trouble comes with comprehending whatever point a speaker is attempting to make evident to their target, however, given the interdisciplinary range of insults a single gargle could possibly convey.
Despite all of these "quirks", the Dig-Its will stop at nothing to assert their language's dominance over every other mean of communication in the UnUniverse, mainly because English lacks the subtle nuance of "bubble, burp, spit" to express concepts like "nobody would miss you if you left the Dig-It Crew".