This Diet Cashier is some random guy who works for the Diet Water Store. He is the only worker there, because the place is very small and only a few customers come in the daylight and only a couple in the nighttime, but he still makes enough money selling Diet Water for himself and his family (if he has a family).
He is also a person who, by the looks of it, is a person who was hired as a slave for noob factory tycoon, since he looks like a worker there. He escaped and found this abandoned place, so he expanded it, found Diet water, sold it, and repeated this, which accidentally caused him to be featured in a game called get a snack at 4am and its snackcore version (which is obviously their second version).
He does not mind getting low customers, as long as his store is alive and his money is as least fair. He also sells other good stuff too like every person does, if you dont know that you're stupider than a person who found out junko enoshima was bald.
The Diet water Cashier has also been in a cameo of games like an infinite roadtrip, which is very similar to this and that, along with other roadtrips, which some of them are on the Endless Road. However, some games mafe by the person who made get a snack at 4am has featured him as a big character in her game.
The Diet water Cashier also plays games like BedWars, Blox Fruits and Natural Disaster Survival, and he is good at them (500 wins in bedwars, level 870 in blox fruits (with quake fruit) and 1000 disasters survived). He also edits on wikis like this one, which is cool, the most i shall say.