A milestone poster for the 4th birthday of the Shame
Didney Emoji Bitz is a shame created by the Teletubbies. The Teletubbies kidnapped Didney characters and turned them into emojis and then uploaded them to the Tubby Phone. Some of this stuff does cost real UnDollars. It was primarily developed by the Blue Teletubby Workers.
This is very much like Candy Crush where you have to match at least 3 Identical Emojis and if you match 4 emojis, You will get a lightning mccloud and you can use this to clear more emojis. If you match 5, you get a rainbow star and you can also use it to clear the board and you can make a Baby Sun if you match 4 emojis but one is above the other 3. You get one minute to finish the shame session but you can also use blitz mode which is activated when you match a certain amount of emojis. This shame has virtual currency, in the form of Gems and Coins.
The emojis you have come in Boxes or certain groups. They can be opened by dumping Coins on them which will cause them to asplode and reveal the emoji. Sometimes they don't need to have Coins dumped on them, this happens they are a free prize or they cost Gems. The box consists of emoji holding units where the emoji is hooked up to some tubes and gets its nutrients from the tubes and they will detach before the box is opened.
Silver Boxes[]

Silver Box
These are where you can some of the classic emojis. The box is usually silver with a question mark and the sides inside is an emoji that is usually Mickey Mouse or his friends. They cost 15,000 Coins in the shop. The box has exclusive emojis which are not for regular purchase unless you have one, which can only happen if you get a special event box or diamond box. silver Exclusive boxes have a cyan diamond on the front and back. A silver box with a Lightning bolt means this has a duplicate emoji which can help you level up your emojis.
Gold Boxes[]

Gold box
Gold Boxes are gold and they usually are made of gold and have a question mark on the front and sides. They cost 30,000 Coins and this box has OVER 9000 emojis, and the emojis gifted from a/the gold box make up the majority of the Emojis available. Like the Silver Box, there are exclusive emojis that can only be acquired by receiving one through a special event box or a diamond box. Exclusive Gold Boxes have a cyan diamond on the front and back. There are also gold duplicate boxes like silver duplicate boxes. There are series boxes which are a subtype of the GB but they are made of a transparent dark teal-blue emoji holding unit and 2 gold covers on the top and bottom of the EHU that have a perimeter 1.5x larger than the EHU itself. The EHU has Roman numeral 1,2 or 3 on the front. Most of them are usually from Didney classics that are not Mickey Mouse or Pixar. There are lucky gold box days when 3 select emojis are rarer to find than everyone else in the box.
Rainboe Dah Box[]

Rainboe Box
The Rainbow dah box is where some of the most famous Emojis in the shame come from. The box is Rainbow colored like with the same shades of color like on the Eggo Confetti pancakes packaging with an exclamation mark on the front. Unlike most boxes, they cannot be purchased regularly in the in-shame Store and Rainbow Box emojis can only be acquired through purchasing a diamond box, or a limited time Event exclusive box. the other way you can get rainbow box emojis is when you receive one as a free prize for completing a level, in an in-shame event or item collections, more on that later. The emojis in there don’t necessarily have to be rainbow. Example of rainbow emoji: Rainbow Mickey. Most of them are usually variations of preexisting emojis. There is a rainbow exclusives box for some reason even though the rainbow emojis are exclusives emojis.
Story Box[]

A story box
The Story Box like the Rainbow box and Gold and Silver exclusives cannot be purchased regularly in the in-shame shop. They can be purchased the same way Rainbow Emojis are acquired. The story box emojis are weird. Practically they are just preexisting emojis at some point during their story, such as when Mufasa in Lion King died and became a cloud spirit (aka Spirit Mufasa) They can also be received as free prize for completing an in-shame event. The SB is pink with a storybook on the front and back and a question mark on all the other sides.
Villain Box[]

A villain box
The Villain Box like the Rainbow, Story and non Rainbow/story exclusives cannot be purchased regularly in the in-shame store. Instead like the Rainbow Box, they can be acquired the same way how the Exclusive Emojis can be purchased/acquired. The Villain Boxes are basically where the evil emojis are from and they have their own villain Events in which you use your emojis to fight them in-shame. Some Villain emojis are from the Story Box, particularly those of preexisting emojis at some point in their story such as when Maleficent became a dragon. The villain box is purple with skulls on the sides.
Crystal Box[]

A crystal box
The crystal box is where the more famous emojis are from and this box is basically made from Quartzite crystal with a question mark stamped to the front. Practically the emojis in here are basically variations of preexisting emojis made out of Gemstones with the exception of Pearl Daisy being made out of Pearls which only come from oysters and clams, not from geological activity. They are not available for regular purchase in the in-shame store although they did sell once in there for just 650 Gems although they are very famous and could have costed more.
Platinum Emojis[]

A platinum box.
Platinum Emojis are basically made of Platinum and are not for purchase on the in-shame store. A platinum box is a box that is made out of/from platinum and has a question mark stamped to the front. All of them are basically variations of preexisting made from platinum.
Wish Box[]

Wish Box
This is the most expensive box you can by in the in-shame shop with Coins only. Costs 75,000 Coins and you are lucky if you have one. It has 20 gold emojis that you can add to the box and if you add all of them and you get the wishbox picking session, you get lives or Coins, more on that later. It is indigo, has a magnet and question marks stamped on it, and shaped like the Series boxes except you can see through the emoji holding unit.
Diamond Boxes[]

Diamond Box
The Diamond Boxes are available for the in-shame events and also when there are no in-shame events. They are made of diamond and have a question mark stamped on it. They contain emojis related for the Event. There are lucky emojis in there too where if you have one, can level up your shame play and finish the event.
Event Boxes[]
there are OVER 9000 other boxes that have event related emojis that are just too insignificant to be included.
There are several types of in-shame events that the Shame has to boost your shameplay. There are 2 more event types, but they are too boring to be remembered. The ones we remember are:
Challenge Events[]

You play with a set of certain emojis related to this event and each emoji has a set of 5 challenges. You win a prize for completing each one. There are usually 5 to 6 emojis in this event although some instances have 7. The final prize is a Diamond Box. You must have an emoji that has been selected for the event to the event if you want to play it. The prizes are usually, Tokens, Chests and Coins. The average duration time is usually 1-3 days.
Clear Events[]

Clear events are the second type of event. In these events, you get into the shame and then some emojis or something else will lay special tiles onto the game board. You clear them by matching emojis and using power-ups which are,Baby Suns, Thunderclouds and Rainbow Stars. Then once you clear the board, the board will be restocked. The tiles are also themed for the event. These have maps which are stages of the shame. Only 2 are unlocked for you, once beyond those, you need a required emoji (this is because the Teletubbies are hungry for money and need in app purchases to get rich) to continue and these have rainbow falls which are extra levels. If you fail in rainbow falls, you restart.
Food Fight Events[]

These are the only PvP or Player vs Player events. In this shame event mode, you are selected to fight with another player and they must collect the most items and stars (while also throwing food at the opponent) before the round ends. The player with the most stars wins. The events have 4 different maps or stages, called Breakfast Brawl, Lunch Rumble, Dinner Melee and Dessert Duel. Currently the events are discontinued for reasons unknown, but let’s hope they bring them back. The Teletubbies, specifically the Blue Teletubby Workers have hosted a real life food fight in Teletubby land but they had to get rid of it because it turned into a riot after things got out of control.
Item Card Events[]

In an item card event, the items in the collection of them which are related to a movie are locked up in containers at the top of the board and shamers must use power ups to open them up. Then they must match emojis or use power-ups to get them down if they are to collect it. Rare items have a green glow behind them and are OVER 9000 less likely to appear in a shame session but using a lucky emoji with ties to this item will allow the chances of it appearing to increase. The item events usually have 4 to 5 item collections that need to be finished to win prizes. They don’t have rainbow falls. The final prize is an emoji, usually one that is related to the topic of the in-shame event.
Survival Events[]

A survival event
In a survival event, they put bombs on the Shameboard and you must make power-ups or match emojis if you want to kill them, otherwise they will spontaneously asplode and this is like a normal shame with a health bar and once you run out of health, game over but this can be restocked sometimes if the right conditions are met. The Teletubbies, creators of Didney emoji Blitz have been able to mail asploding shame boards to players and they will get asploded too.