The diamonds, my god!

A cut diamond
Diamonds are precious gemstones that are worth a lot to some people, and also are native to the UnWorld (and Minecraft). Usually only rich people or miners that mine a lot in caves a lot obtain them. They are around the same value of gold, due to being really pretty and very strong. Diamonds used to be one of the strongest materials to create armor and tools out of until Netherite came. Diamonds are awesome!
Discovery and history[]
Diamonds were discovered by Mama Luigi back in ß•①✎❦� 1000 B.C back when he was eating the Earth for no reason. He then stabbed his gums when he found something shiny. He cried until he realized he could make money out of it by taking advantage of n00bs. But then it caught onto non-noobs, and everybody started liking diamonds.
Diamonds may seem like they shine, but they don't. Contrary to popular belief, diamonds actually reflect. They also have a blueish tint due to the sky, in the same way that water doesn't actually have a color but is colored blue by the sky. Diamonds are also really hard and strong, making them a good material to use for weapons, tools, armor, etc. Diamonds are also really pretty and valued by humans, which is why they are also expensive.
- There's a rumor that some of Captain 0's parts might be made out of diamonds.