For a Ron that did not DIE in a river of Elmer's Glue, see Ron (Disambiguation).
Ron D. Art is a work of art... a work of DeviantArt. Ron D. Art is known as Dev!Ron for short, and he is a meme folder that was drawn right before the DeviantArt War. DevRon is very similar to Ron, but he is, well, a drawing.
The Beginning[]
Dev!Ron was first made March 10th of 2022, he, being a drawing, already was a carbon copy of Ron, nothing to note here.
The War[]
Dev!Ron's creator was killed in the DeviantArt War. He felt very bummed about this, so he fled DeviantArt and discovered the true UnWorld and felt a sense of euphoria from this, so he traveled the world to find an area meant for him.
Dev!Ron, after finding his purpose (Fishing), went to the most enigmatic river out there, the Elmer's River. He heard many rumors about it turning a glowing purple when on Mondays, unfortunately this rumor was not true. While he was fishing an unknown individual (rumors say it was Blocky, but its high unlikely) pushed him into the river while fishing, despite his struggle he could not escape, and he eventually drowned. In the midst of this, Dev!Ron activated his Quirk, making him become a soul.
Life As A Soul And Resurrection[]
As a soul, Dev!Ron was confused as he basically accepted the sweet release of death... for some reason.
Dev!Ron just fishes... that's it really.
Differences From Ron[]
- Dev!Ron is not homophobic.
- Dev!Ron is slightly more orange.
- Dev!Ron has a tolerance for women.
- Dev!Ron despises Blocky with every fiber of his being despite him not meeting all.
- Dev!Ron uses proper grammar when speaking, such as saying "women" instead of "wemen".