Cyber-Doo is a Waddle-Doo cyborg, created by LulzSec as part of the Nega-Undefeatables, which were created to help them take over not just the UnWorld but the whole UnUniverse. He shares code with UNDEFINED, a stream of data thirteen light-years long surrounding the star Mira and distantly related to NaN.
One day, the CEO of LulzSec was bored and wanted to find a way to create a new Pingas holder when he stumbled upon the startling fact that eyes have holes. Realizing this, he parked an entire mechanical planet up to Pop Star, abducted a single Waddle Doo, then robotified it to make it Stupid enough to follow his every command. Of course, this didn't work because he had also added a post-singularity cyber-brain in one of the worst ideas conceived since they nuked Godzilla, and he promptly had an existential crisis, got over it in 1 millisecond then ran off to Blow Stuff Up for the lulz, starting with Earth Shiver Star Earth Shiver Star, which happened to be in the background (he didn't want to blow up Pop Star because he's scared of Kirby).
Nowadays, he's probably playing Fortnite or BEES! Saber, or exacting nuclear armageddon on unsuspecting planets for the lulz.
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