UnAnything Wiki

What is UnAnything? UnAnything is a humor wiki that's been running for over a decade. Want to edit? Read the rules, because your edits won't be saved unless you follow the instructions within. But if you're just curious about us, you can read the guide. Be sure to also check out our Discord! Have fun!


UnAnything Wiki
Not to be confused with the superior pasta.
Jeff the stupid

Jeff got kicked in his boingloings.

Creepypasta is a website where everyone creates and submit crappy stories like Slender Man.

Creepypasta has been created since the day people started submitting scary stories in the internet. Creepypasta is well-known for its stories like Sonic.exe and Squidward's Suicide. Creepypasta's current article count is over 9000 billion due to a lack of quality control, thus Creepypasta is full of crappy and boring stories. The only good story ever submitted in Creepypasta was How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You.

Since all the stories there are crappy, many people created a parody of Creepypasta like Trollpasta, Crappypasta, etc. If you submitted a story there it is still crap and people will just laugh at your story.



This is a creepypasta!

If you want to submit a story in Creepypasta, your story must be great and not crappy. You can't make your guys all come from the "Nightmare Dimension".

Oh, and also: Do not read too much creepypasta stories. You might become stupid just like the authors of those crappy stories. Scientist researchers say that reading too much creepypasta can affect your brain. So remember, don't read too much creepypasta.

The picture on the left side of your screen is the creator of Creepypasta. 
