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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

He stole my computer; he stole my drinky; he stole my spaghetti.

Cookie Monster Computer

The Cookie Monster using a computer; absolutely nothing can go wrong!

A computer is a box that brings internets and shames into your home. It is also used for other, more boring, things, such as actual work.


Computers were invented by two people known as Bill Gates and Steve Jobs in the 70s, who created a computer called the Commodore 64. However, Gates and Jobs disagreed on the future of the computer; Gates wanted the next model to be affordable and able to do anything imaginable, and Jobs wanted the next model to be overpriced and missing several key features. As a result, Commodore split into two companies known as Microsoft and Apple, which are still in a rivalry today.

Initially, computers were mainly used for playing shames, until 1993, when Al Gore invented something called an internet, which made computers useful for more than just shaming. However, the internet was largely ignored until Microsoft found out about it, and created Internet Explorer, a tool used mainly to download Netscape Firefox Chrome.

Nowadays, there are many types of computer, such as desktop (the standard model), laptop (which fits on your lap), tablet (which is just a screen that you touch to operate), server (the backbone of all internets), and Bill's PC (your Pokémon storage warehouse). Some people even put computers inside things such as telephones and TV sets, claiming that this makes these devices more "smart".




Inside the computer is stuff to make it do stuff, which is called hardware. Lots of these have weird and confusing abbreviations which only nerds seem to understand. Some hardware components are:

  • CPU (Computer Processing Unit) - Does all the computer calculations.
  • GPU (Gamer Processing Unit) - Runs shames and stuff. Some computers don't got this so the CPU has to have IG (In-game) which makes it run shames instead.
  • PPU (Picture Processing Unit) - Old thing that only the NES (Nearly Extinct System) uses. You definitely don't need this if you have a GPU.
  • Windows (Weird Inefficient Ne'er-do-well Dumb OS Which Sucks) - An "operating system" that tells everything else what to do and when (which is called "running" stuff). Most stuff runs on Windows including viruses. Some alternatives to Windows are Linux, MacOS and ChromeOS, but nobody seems to care about those even with Linux growing in popularity.
  • NIC (Network Interface Controller) - Makes you able to connect to the Internet.
  • SDD (Standard Definition Drive) - Holds all the files of a computer, including the Windows. Without this your progress can't be saved.
  • HDD (High Definition Drive) - An upgraded form of SSD. Usually 3 or 6.75x better than an SDD.
  • UHDD (Ultra High Definition Drive) - Faster version of an HDD with no moving parts but expensive. Some are even installed on the motherboard.
  • RAM - (Random Access Memory) - A thing that supposedly does "memory accesses randomly". Somehow the more of this you have the better your system is. Most systems these days have at least 16 of these.
  • POW (POWer supply) - Gives your computer electricity.
  • Battery (Battle Apparition That Thrives on Energizer Rabbits, Yes!) - A living component that eats on the POW and stores it as energy. Don't ask me how this works.
  • Motherboard (Magical Object That Humans Expected Rats Built On A Rubbish Disk) - A green or black or blue or any color board with a bunch of crap on it is actually all the stuff above on it.

And then if your computer doesn't have any of these, it won't work.


Most computers come with 3 accessories: a monitor that is basically a TV for your computer, a keyboard that is used to enter letters and numbers into the computer, and a mouse that is used to select things displayed on the monitor.
