The Colt .45, also known as the Colt 1911, or the Colt's Colt, or the Pedophile's Best Friend, or the Stanngbfgsbhg, is a pistol like gun that shoot bullet. It is like the Magnum. Magnum is stronger, but in Soviet Russia gun do not matter.
The Colt 1911 was first introduced in 1941, They were made by America and used in 1943.
They are still made today but a tweaked a little to make it more stronger. I don't know how, though, they just do do dod dod do dod d do dod do do do do do.. sorry the editor had a stoke there.
A Colt .45 is often black or brown. if pointed at someone they have 2 holes in the front, although the second hole is never used. Which is dumb. Damn, UnAmerica has some lazy ass scientists.
This pistol will always and is a GODLIKE design. Even the founder of Glock likes it more!