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UnAnything Wiki


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A lovely afternoon with the Cogs

The Cogs (Collective of Gizmoish Salesmen) are (sometimes) an evil group that consists of weird robots who do weird things and always try an destroy the strange place no one cares about known as Toontown. There are so many cogs that it would be to much space-taking to list them all in a heading, so here is a nice picture to satisfy your needs that you need. The Cogs tend to be a bunch of business-themed robots, created by Scrooge McDuck himself to promote capitalism.

They obviously don't like it when there's fun in Toontown, but they are fine with fun anywhere else and don't really try and stop anyone (for some reason), and they hate Toontown so much they were dumb enough to set of HQ's near areas of Toontown, Toons destroyed the HQ's shortly after, and the cogs ran away for a new plan.

The Great Cog Division[]

When the leaders couldn't sort out their cogs, (They mistakenly put a Telemarketer in the wrong suit one day) they decides to make 4 types of cogs; Lawbots, Sellbots, Cashbots and Bossbots. There is also a 5th type of cogs named Cardboardbots, but we don't talk about them. The CJ agreed to this law, then the Chairman agreed to it, then the law past. This meant all Cogs were to be separated to be in one group and do certain things and to make sure they were organized, there was never a cog in the wrong suit again.

The Day Cogs Tookover Toontown[]

On September 19th, 2013, Cogs invaded Toontown in millions of numbers, the stupid Toons couldn't keep up and surrendered, then the bosses got to enjoy killing them all. Then they chopped off Flippy's head and had a victory cheer, then they renamed Toontown into Cogtown. They often roamed around Cogtown killing any surviving Toons who assault Cogtown.

Cog Crusades[]

During the mid-1900s to some point in 2008, the Cogs had an initiative in which they'd try conquering other countries, like Japan and Switzerland to take over and build more factories and, after that, erase them from existence. Naturally, nobody liked this, and a few Cogs broke free from the system because of this (including The Mingler). These Cogsades as they were called would eventually cease due to the economic recession, though. Rumor has it that someone has vowed revenge against them for killing their family and friends. Oh yeah, and they're building a super-weapon because a certain orphan's adoptive father continued to beat them.

Return of the Toons[]

On December 25th, 2014, The remnants of the Toons would begin to rise up against Cogtown, with Paula Behr as their leader. She and a few others went to Cogtown to kill Cogs in Cogtown. The Cogs tried to defeat her, but what they didn't know is that they were messing with the most powerful toon, and basically the cousin of an ice god. So she captured SO MANY cogs, and even sold them as slaves to other fellow toons. And the toons started attacking all the cogs. The cogs then fleed to their HQs, and all the toons reclaimed Toontown, naming it to New Toontown(or ToonTown Rewritten if you're not a Toon.).

List of Cogs[]

You want a list of cogs? Fine, but don't say we warned ya about the list being long! Click expand to look at the full list.


These are the cogs that try to sell random Stuff to You. They only get service from the Scary Robots Gang for their leftover oil.

  • Cold Caller: A stupid fat cog who tries to sell you stuff but always FAILs.
  • Mint Claws: Half-cog polar bear that can summon a BIG army of Mr. Hollywoods and Minglers.
  • Telemarketer: Teletubby wannabes who like to kidnap children if they don't buy their stuff.
  • Name Dropper: A crazy cog who drops stuff on whoever mentions her name.
  • Glad Hander: He likes shaking hands a lot.
  • Mover and Shaker: A Luigi Rip-Off who causes earthquakes whenever he walks.
  • Poo Face: He thought he could try to sell his poo-themed weapons with the Cogs but he sucks at it.
  • The Mingler: A rogue cog who likes to mingle. Make sure to refer to as 'A The Mingler' (freakin' janky, lol)
  • Mr. Hollywood: He has the second shiniest teeth in the world, only beaten by Chip Skylark.
  • Smokin' Foreman: An epic cog who runs the Factory and smokes 420/7.
  • Pacesetter: The fastest cog alive. Is a Sonic wannabe.
  • Vice President: The Vice President of the Cogs. He always falls off buildings and gets hit by pies because he sucks.


These are the cogs who love money and nothing else. Imagine Mr. Krabs but as a bunch of robots.

  • Short Change: He uses the restroom a lot. Always finds money in restrooms.
  • Penny Pincher: He used to be known as Robot Krabs, but he was sold to the Cogs after Plankton had no more use for him.
  • Tightwad: The tightest cog around. Could Asplode at any moment.
  • Bean Counter: Is Downsizer's Twin Brother. Likes to count beans like Vampires and Fairies.
  • Number Cruncher: Eats numbers. Is the Apex Predator of Number Island and arch rivals with 8.
  • Money Bags: Has a bag of money for a head.
  • Loan Shark: Roams the seas and collects the loans of his unfortunate victims.
  • Robber Baron: Is the baron of robbing.
  • Chief Financial Officer: The boss of the Cashbots. Likes wearing safes as hats.


Basically the police department of the Cogs. Break any of their rules and you DIE.

  • Bottom Feeder: Fat policemen who never arrest anyone since they're too Stupid.
  • Bloodsucker: Enjoys eating blood and chicken.
  • Double Talker Has two heads on one body. They always feud over what laws are which.
  • Ambulance Chaser: Is known for chasing his prey, Ambulances.
  • Back Stabber: Likes stabbing people in the back for the hell of it.
  • Spin Doctor: He likes to spin around, but he always gets chased down by Ambulance Chaser.
  • Legal Eagle: Helps regulate the laws of Toontown and other Cartoon worlds. Is one of the more moral cogs.
  • Big Wig: Has a big wig that's comparable to Doug Dimmadone's hat, only 1000 times smaller.
  • Testament: Was initially against the cogs, but she was turned into a gear thanks to The Mingler.
  • Chief Justice: Looks for justice and helps the Toons WIN. Was replaced by the Chief Loser Officer.
  • Chief Loser Officer: The worst boss of them all. She always relies on the Litigation Team to do anything.


These are the cogs that like to boss you around and fire you. They suck.

  • Flunky: The worst cog. They're fat, slow, and weak.
  • Pencil: Became an intern since she wanted to steal some parts for her FreeSmart Supervan.
  • Yesman: Yes.
  • Micromanager: Is the smallest and angriest of all cogs. She's so smol, you'll need a microscope to see her.
  • Downsizer: Is Bean Counter's Twin Brother. He always feels down.
  • Head Hunter: He tries to hunt for a new head since his is too small but is very bad at it.
  • Corporate Raider: He be a pirate. May or may not be related to Foxy.
  • The Big Cheese: He's the boss. Likes invading Toontown and Normal Elevators.
  • Chief Executive Officer: He enjoys banquets but the Toons always like to ruin them. Always has to do the job himself.


I told you that we weren't gonna cover these guys!


Alright, fine, I'll tell you about them! If you thought the Bossbots suck, then the Cardboardbots are even worse! They suck so much, the Chairman fired them and replaced them with a new set of Cardboardbots... which sucked even MORE! They're flat 2D robots who fail at EVERYTHING! You may be asking, what do they do? They make the cardboard packaging for the Cogs. These guys suck so much that we aren't even gonna list them, but we will list the most important one:

  • The Chairman: The leader and founder of the Cogs. Not much is known about him except that his name is Rob. He's a Cardboardbot because he thought it was funny, ironically enough. He also has a brother, but who cares.
  • Dora Smarmy: The OTHER Cardboardbot, do not interact with it, do not acknowledge it, do not even utter its full name out loud. We call it "The Forbidden One" for a reason. If your television begins to play one of its broadcasts, you have exactly 1.238 seconds to change the channel, or you go insane/DIE.