His Coconut Gun, can fire in spurts! If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt!
—DK Rap singer
The Coconut Gun is the pinnacle of jungle technology developed for firing in spurts. If someone shoots ya with this, it's gonna hurt! Donkey Kong loves his coconut gun so much if you even lay a finger on it it is guaranteed that you will DIE.
The coconut gun was invented OVER 9000 years ago and was the first gun ever invented; this predates the already ancient AK-47. The coconut gun shoots Coltconut's specialized 12 gauge buckshot (or optionally a whole bunch of .45 rounds). It's essentially a blunderbuss that fires in spurts; because of this coconut guns are only sold by Funky Kong at his shop. Optionally you could saw on an additional barrel to make a dual-barrel shotgun, "homing coconuts" which launch straight up into the air and attack a precise location, and a scope. Any scope! Not that you'll need a scope anyways, the damage will just die down at a distance. The recoil is pretty heavy (but not as bad as a Shotgun); in this case a stock is heavily advised.
No one really uses the Coconut Gun; since the Coconut Gun's kick was too much for people to handle, once better guns came by practically everybody abandoned it except for people living in the jungle due to certain reasons; however, despite its limited use, the Coconut Gun's high power is what manages to make it gain a footing against other conventional firearms.
How to build coconut gun[]
- Gather log and cut a big hole in it
- Gather buckshot or a whole bunch of .45; these can be found in the tropical jungles of Kong Land.
- Put a handle
- Pull the trigger. It should work
- If it fails, go back to step 1 like a baby
Simple, right?