This is it
Clown-To-Clown communication is a space in the electromagnetic gay spectrum where clowns send and receive telecommunications over long distances and facilitate Clown-To-Clown conversation. It was popularized and discovered by The Poker back in the 1500s, after decompiling the source code of bats to find out how Fatman communicated with the "Minister of Helth" over in Pac-Land.
- You can use Clown-To-Clown communication to share secrets with your fellow fools, making sure nobody else eavesdrops (unless said eavesdropper is also a fool).
- Formally, eavesdropping is called "being an asshat".
- You can Use Clown-To-Clown communication to spread free stuff using BitTorrent, however, it requires another clown to share the file you're tormenting.
The many, many attempts to breach into the space[]
Multiple non-fools have attempted to breach inside the Clown-to-Clown Communication area, all of them usually resulting in the attempting person to either get kicked out for not being a fool, due to the many failed attempts, most people have just given up due to the difficulty of breaching even semi close to it.
- You can use clown to clown communication, you just don't know how to yet.
- On April Fools', the range of Clown-To-Clown communication becomes infinite, allowing a clown to communicate with another clown from across the UnUniverse. This is actually the best way to send information around the UnUniverse, as it's faster than light.