Give him the bribe!
Chris Disher, (AKA Chief Pumkin) was the chief of police in Pumkin World. He was trained by Mrs. Dictator to not to show any mercy, and to encourage police brutality.
As a young lad, Chris Disher began as a normal "rookie" in the Pumkin World Police Department. He patrolled the streets and had a no nonsense attitude. If he saw someone he felt was having fun or showing emotion, he would take them into an alley way and beat them to an inch away from death. After 7 years on the force, he was chief. He made sure none of his officers slacked off on their duties. But over the years, he became more and more corrupt. He started taking bribes from humans, which began unlegal gang operations in Pumkin World. Mrs. Dictator was not found of him allowing humans into Pumkin World. Mrs. Dictator hired an assassin to kill him, secretly. He was never heard of again and a new Pumkin was promoted.