There's orange sauce in the middle. This is actually made from oranges.
Chicken tenders are a magical form of DINNER, they are known for they're reviving (and sometimes, deadly) effects, they are cherished by the United States of UnAmerica. They are very common in restaurants, and are the only cure for PSI Water Δ. Except Poo; Chicken tenders cannot cure PSI Water Δ on him because he's WEIRD! Chicken tenders may also be referred to as Chicken Tendies by a pappy few.
How to get[]
To get some, go to a fast food restaurant (like McDonald's, but mabye not) and order them. You can chose to go sit in or go in the drive through. However, it's best if you only get them if you need them, as the food industry is cruel to the environment and there's mass genocide on chickens happening. Even worse is that these chickens are still alive. If you purchase too many there will not be any left, so be considerate will ya?
How to eat[]
You do not eat chicken tenders, as meat is bad for you, and the breading and deep frying and salts are bad for you too. Instead, you want to sacrifice the chicken tenders for whatever god you worship. If you can't find a god, then sacrifice them for Chuck Norris, because he is awesome. If you do decide to eat chicken tenders however, you need a sauce. We highly recommend barbecue sauce or Weegee sauce.
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