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UnAnything Wiki

Captain 30 (birthname: キャプテン三十) is a number captain. He is also a member of the Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan, along with Captain 20 (the leader), Captain 40, Captain 50, and Captain 60.


Captain 30 was born in Tokyo, Japan to some samurai. Those samurai were very strict, and raised Captain 30 to be a samurai when he grew up. He met a pirate named Captain 60 who crashed his ship onto Japan when walking down the street, and he became friends with the pirate because the pirate was really cool. When he was 14, he had enough, and took a plane to UnAmerica with Captain 60, trying to find a better life, away from his parents and all the anime girls who were screaming "DOKI DOKI DESU SENPAI!" all the time. He wandered the streets, working as a sushi chef at a fancy Japanese restaurant, and earning LOTSA MONEY. But...he was BORED!! So he stole a lot of cash from the vault and took off. He started a dojo in the middle of the city called the Samurai's Academy of Ninjutsu, to train people who wanted to become samurai to become master fighters like he was. One such samurai that he trained was Ninja Spy. Soon, he met Captain 20, who asked him and his friend, Captain 60, to join his new clan, the Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan. Captain 30 needed some excitement in his life, so he and Captain 60 accepted, and was fighting crime with them ever since.


Like all of the other members of the Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan, Captain 30 does not have superpowers, but has a lot of weapons. He has a katana he keeps on his back and a load of shurikens.


Nobody has ever seen Captain 30 without his ninja suit. Well, at least we haven't, but we at UnAnything Wiki know EVERYTHING, so this trivia still is true. Hey, what's 2 + 2, again?
