Captain 20 is a number captain. He is the leader of the Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan, with his friends Captain 30, Captain 40, Captain 50, and Captain 60. He is rumored to have something to do with the Legion of Captains, but this is debatable.
Captain 20 was born to unknown beings, but he was soon picked up by scientists after finding him in a McDonald's parking lot. These scientists just kept him around and just tossed him some books, because they were too excited about this "computer stick figure that turned into a fighting machine" or something like that. He didn't bother to listen. He just read his books. Those books were about medieval times and knights with their awesome swords and death contraptions, protecting kings, queens, and peasants alike. He was very fascinated about these knights and wanted to fight crime when he grew up. A nonchalant upbringing later, he left the lab and met his friends, Captain 30 and Captain 40. They formed the Armored Captain's Anti-Crime Clan to stop crime and evil Captains, and they are still doing it today.
Captain 20 doesn't necessarily have powers, but he has a lot of weapons. He has a modified sword that can open up and shoot raygun darts out, and a shield that can spawn out a forcefield for 20 seconds.
- Captain 20 is currently teaching Captain 17 in the arts of Anti-Crime because Captain 17 kept annoying him.
- This article was made before the Captain 18 and Captain 19 ones.