UnAnything Wiki

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UnAnything Wiki
UnAnything Wiki

Come Visit the Amazing Captain 0 Tower!!!

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The captain 0 tower

The Captain 0 tower is a building in Captain 0 Land, and it is the tallest building in the country, as well as the third tallest building in the UnWorld, behind the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and The Backrooms in China with 160 floors: 3 floors less than the Burj Khalifa. It's also the headquarters the UnAnything Team on most days.


it is a futuristic glass tower, which has a similar design to BSHFFECL's Big Mighty Happy Time Fun Fun Tower, which Kim Jong-un and Gandalf weren't happy with at first, but Captain 0 changed the design slightly, and it has the logo of the Wiki down the side of it, and “Captain 0 Tower” at the bottom.


Construction of the building started in 2025 and was completed in 2040 due to many delays during construction. 10 companies built the tower. The companies who built the tower are:

  • UnAnything Construction LTD
  • IONIS construction
  • Samsung Galaxy Construction
  • Random Construction Corporation
  • fallT Construction LTD
  • Tubby Construction&Co
  • Chuck Norris Construction LTD
  • Dig-It Construction Corporation
  • redliuB ehT boB's company
  • and Bob the Builder's company

The building costed 20 million UnDollars to build, and has the same stuff The Backrooms has, except for the design of the rooms.


  • It is a COOL building.
  • Inside the tower is the most expensive suite in the UnWorld, costing 1,000,000,000 UnDollars to get in.