Captain 0 Land is a country in Non-Soviet Russia. It used to be the Land of Gigyas, but Captain 0, as well as his sister and two weather fangirls of him, moved there and have converted it to Captain 0 Land, which is the most awesome country ever. The conversion has been going on since 1989, but they keep getting distracted by random crap, so it kept getting delayed. Fortunately, it's done, and it has been open for business since February 2016.
Land of Giygas[]
Almost nothing is known about the country when it was still the Land of Giygas except it had a McDonald's. It has been ascertained, however, that it was once populated by both humans and Giygas clones. It is rumoured the original Giygas lived here as Giegue, and it is where he became what he is today.
Life Before Tragedy[]
Long ago, this country was a peaceful place, shared by humans and Giygas clones. They lived together in peace and harmony, not counting the fact that humans were seen as the minority and often had the short end of the stick when it came to discrimination. Even so, the two races lived together without too much conflict or war. This, of course, would end with the rise of Dr. Eggman Nega and his troops.
Rise of Eggman Nega[]
After being made fun of at work repeatedly, Eggman Nega finally lashed out and detonated two tons of explosives in his work building, The Starmen Company. Although the building was leveled, the company itself was simply relocated, which made Eggman Nega unhappy. Thus, he started making robot minions. He made autonomous bombs, Mecha-Zeldas, and even Teletubby Robots to serve his needs, using the blueprints in the Enclosed Instruction Book. He sent them to attack, and succeeded in using them to enslave all the humans on the country, as well as most of the Giygas clones. By now, Dr. Eggman Nega had become lonely and in desperate need of company. Thus, he decided to make himself a robotic wife. However, since his insurance only covered robot minions, he made her a cyborg with an AK-47 for an arm. Thus, Lucia was created. She did not love Dr. Eggman Nega at all, and took every opportunity to stay away from him. She even volunteered to obliterate every Giygas clone remaining in the country. Thus, three of the greatest Giygas clones still standing were eliminated. Gaygas, the famous gay rights activist, Awesomegas, the renowned comedian, and Freakygas, the insane celebrity, were all eliminated. The remaining Giygas clones, such as Toonygas and Ronald McGiygas, managed to flee in time and live out the rest of their days on the Pre-Alpha UnWorld or elsewhere in the dimension.
After the Land of Giygas had been conquered by Eggman Nega and his minions, it was renamed The Negaverse (Eggman Nega thought it was a pocket dimension). It was a bleak place, populated by Teletubby Robots, sentient bombs, and Mecha-Zeldas, ruled, obviously, by Eggman Nega.
War of the Negaverse Begins[]
Shortly after the defeat of Eggman Nega at the hands of Sonic, the surviving Giygas clones sensed his weakness. They waged war on Eggman Nega and his army with the help of Sonic himself, which started the War of the Negaverse.
War of the Negaverse Ends[]
After Eggman Nega returned from his defeat and acquired his prosthetic body armor, he gained the power to defeat all the Giygas clones, including Toonygas and Ronald McGiygas. Sonic managed to escape to his home, the Sonic Islands, and Eggman Nega was sent to the distant future by the dying Ronald McGiygas, where the former encountered Silver and instantly became his rival. Now, the Negaverse is completely uninhabited, as Eggman Nega's army was completely annihilated and the humans were killed by Eggman Nega's army. The entire country was now dotted with ghost towns, barren patches of desert, and Apple stores that nobody visited (GASP).
Revenge fueled terrorists attacks[]
Roberta who was tweaking out of her mind fueled with nothing but to avenge her masters death arrived here and threw Bombs at buildings and used her Lamp Oil to burn buildings and kill more civilians this attack would lead to the death of Captain 0 Lands main protector Warden (For Honor) and 65% of the city was destroyed in the process and as such they had to retire the 0 Games until they rebuild the city yet again.
0 Games[]
The 0 Games are a plan to get tourists to come here. They are the main government source for the government and main entertainment source for the citizens. All Citizens can apply a form so they can have permission to fight each other in the 0 Games coliseums. If the citizens lose, Nobody cares. If the citizens win the games, they are granted eternal life and a shiny gold medal. A list of 0 Games are as follows:
- 0 Obstacle Course - The easiest 0 Game. Competitors must run a very short obstacle course with the only obstacles being ak few speed bumps here and there.
- 0 Fires - Two Competitors much throw water balloons at a giant fire while a bulldozer tosses them into the air. The one who puts out the fire is the winner.
- 0 Eating - Competitors must eat as much cupcakes as they can before getting fat.
- 0 Spartan Laser Fighting - Groups of fighters must shoot each other using Spartan Lasers to the death, making for a battle that is usually over in 5 seconds.
- 0 Hand to Hand Fighting - The hardest game. 125 million fighters each must align themselves to fight riding on horses, and duel with their bare hands to the death. At least 125 people everyday die from this challenge, usually from accidentally tumbling off their horses.
Captain 0 Land will have no prison system. If somebody commits a crime, nobody cares. If one defeats another in a the 0 Games by cheating or using PEDs, nobody cares.
Captain 0's House[]
Captain 0's House used to be an Apple store that Nobody visited. It was the last one to be converted, even after all the others were converted into other stuff. It was finally finished in March 2016; until then, the good Captain lived on a Magical Boat of Awesomeness (formerly Gigyas Cruise Ship #666), now occupied by Typhoon Katrina.
Captain 0 General Hospital[]
Captain 0 General Hospital is the largest hospital anywhere, edging out any on the UnWorld. It treats OVER 9000 patients a day and gives out free PS5s to kids EVERYONE! who is treated there. There is even a mental health ward where the only patient there is an anime girl.
Statue of Epicness[]
The Statue of Epicness is a statue of Captain 0. It is the largest statue in the dimension, by law. There used to be an equally large statue of Eggman Nega in this spot that was demolished in January 2016. The Statue of Epicness was built in February 2016 to finish the conversion. Nearby is a museum of Captain 0 Land Conversion-related stuff.
Secret Nuclear Bunker[]
This used to be a vat of Giygas' Kolk that was left over from the days when Giygas ruled. It was discovered in April 2015 by the conversion team and got drained and covered up in December 2015. A secret nuclear bunker was put here in February 2016 during the grand opening party because Captain 1 threatened to nuke this dimension out of existence (of course, he didn't). There are a lot of signs pointing here, even though it's supposed to be secret. This is because Chuck Norris wanted signs to be put up.
There are 665 boats to help people navigate the rivers of Awesome Sauce. They were built by the Gigyas Vacations Company to be used as cruise ships when this place was full of Gigyas clones. There used to be 666, but when Captain 0 needed a temporary house, he turned one into a Magical Boat of Awesomeness, which Typhoon Katrina moved into after Captain 0's House was completed.
Statue of Unending Awesomeness[]
Another statue was materialized in February 2021 to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the conversion. Also of Captain 0, it functions as the following:
- Sundial
- Undefeatable detector
- Clock
- Secret Nuclear Bunker 2
- Missile silo
- Swiss Army Knife
- Weegee
- Spaceship
- Bottle opener
- P.I.N.G.A.S.
It has Protegent antivirus, since everyone expects such an important thing to have something like Norton. This protects it from all the st00pid H4XXORZ who want to hack it.
Nightmare Teletubby houses[]
This place is where the Nightmare Teletubbies who survived the massacre live after they immigrated to captain 0 land. They resemble small huts domes with a few anti-nazi posters by some of the older ones houses everywhere.
Captain 0 Tower[]
This Tower is the UnWorld's 3rd tallest building, and Kim Jong-un and Gandalf have been criticizing Captain 0 Land becasuse the tower looks like the Big Mighty Happy Time Fun Fun Tower in BSHFFECL. It has the UnWorld's most expensive suite, at $10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Captain 0 City[]
Captain 0 City is the capital of this place, and the UnAnything Museum is based here. If the Wiki ever changes it's logo in the Future, the old logos will be kept in the museum, and there are monuments to great events in the history of the UnUniverse inside.