Who are you running from?
—Camera-San's iconic catchphrase
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>About Me:[]
>Physical Appearance[]
Camera-San (real name Kurai Shashin-ki (literally translates to "Gloomy Camera")) is a ghost or demon-like... thing created by Nintendo as an early endeavor in piracy protection. However, the being that they created soon got tired of the company's shenanigans and went punk. They resemble a monochrome human with various facial markings and dead, cartoonish eyes. In their shame, they're usually just seen from the neck up, but they wear an all-black outfit similar to a gakuran.
Camera-San was once trapped in a Shame Boi as a way to keep Nintendo safe from their wrath. They also didn't want them to start attacking the newly formed Nintendo Ninjas. This was the case until the year 2009, when Camera-San escaped with the help of a strange nerd kid trying to find a cool Flash website out of boredom.
After their escape, they soon met another monochrome being who took them in as his child. This is where Camera-San learned to be a good Goth, among other things.
Nowadays, Camera-San spend their time modding shames and selling them on the black market, usually behind Papa's Pizzeria.
attached file: trivia.txt[]
- Camera-San built their own forum website, where they are the only active member.
- They are aware of DJ Hallyboo, but say that "they could do his job better by tenfold, and make 9001% less enemies".
- Camera-San appears in the Friday Night Fuckin' mod Super Mario Bros. Fuck Mix DX.
- They enjoy Chewy Chews, even though they're not old (their favorite flavor is Pop Rocks, by the way).
- Camera-san enjoys harassing Kasumi's Father Ryuhaku
- Camera-San loves trolling their "little brother" Goku-Sotsu-Kun