Call of Ducky Gaiden was a weird spin-off shame in the Call of Ducky series. Theorised to have been created solely to capitalise off of Ducky's starpower as both a dictator and face of a multimillion-UnDollar shame franchise, this peculiar oddity was pumped onto the Play Station 2 in 2002, to a grand total of 2 Internet reviews and a mail-ordered bomb disguised as a tutu. Exactly why they ordered such a deadly trick of a weapon with the funds they obtained is unknown, but it might be at least a smidge malevolent. As a gaiden shame, Call of Ducky Gaiden is separated from the rest of the shame series' plot and can generally be ignored if you're really offended by it.
Call of Ducky Gaiden was released in a bundle with an extra controller, just like Wii Play, but for whatever reason reports of people getting ugly sores started becoming frequent after they used these controllers. At least one person had to be hospitalised after it. Because of this, the shame is currently banned in Germany by order of then-current fuhrer Gary the Snail. The only place it is still allowed in within Germany is Vileness Flats. Exactly why Germany would even let Call of Ducky into their country when the series is literally propaganda for their enemy is beyond us. The shame would later get a sequel: Call of Ducky Gaiden 2.
Ducky was simply sitting in the throne room of Quack Palace (NOT on the throne, mind you), pondering the Ducky Empire's intense history and confusing lore that has been accumulated since its inception. His contemplations are rudely interrupted by an unexpected insurgence led by the UnWorld's lamest magician: Ripto! Ripto conjures a giant tamandua that backhands Ducky through the window. Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band drummer John French then appears on screen and says:
Gee, I'm sure glad that wasn't me!
—John French
Ripto responds to this statement by shooting John French with a magic blast, knocking him down a flight of stairs. Ducky falls unconscious after the incident and wakes up in a city right outside Doctor Congo. The native doctors fix him up, and the dexterious, (semi) powerful emperor stares into the distance. He just stares for a second or two... and then vomits on the floor due to various external factors. General consensus is that you should not question hand anatomy, or else Oobi might leak your home address on an onion website, or worse, you may activate the Captain Qwark glitch again...
Thankfully, Ducky knows how use Warp Zones, so he's able to get back into his country without any hassle. Issues arise when he discovers Ripto put his stinky mug on the side of every building in the entire empire. Aside from that, however, Ripto has done jack squat, which is typical for such a pathetic and stupid excuse for a villain. Ducky still fights people he comes across just because he wants things to be messy.
The shame is a sidescrolling platformer made simply because Ducky wanted to cash in on that genre before the Koopalings killed it in the 2010s. It's nothing more than a basic, Mario-inspired gobbledygook that plays just about as good as a fan-made Adobe Flash shame from 2006. This might sound like an unjust knock on Flash shames, but the only problem I personally have with it is that this shame costs as much as a reservation at Dorsia, whereas those Flash shames were free. Ducky can use his Kill Quack to defeat enemies, and must collect delectable chunks of teriyaki chicken to get more lives.
It is also imperative that you never try to backtrack in case you miss anything, because every time you step on a new platform a Snowtomic Bomb airstrikes the previous one. In an ironic twist, the featherless Ducky can not tolerate freezing cold temperatures. Perhaps that's what happens when you live in Northern Africa. They probably don't even see snow in the Ducky Empire!
Worlds and Bosses[]
- Streets of Duckopolis - Metal Touka Ryuumonbuchi (they really blew their load on the first boss. I, for one, think it would've been cooler as a late shame encounter)
- Restaraunt Ducky Kitchen - Baby Yoshi
- Ducky Legion Military Base - Fatman and Rainbows (inside the hijacked Quadgun)
- Duckopolis Armanents and Gundam Factory - Brak, Zorak, and Frank Horrigan (the true owner of Mr. Tickles!?)
- Quack Palace - The massive tamandua Ripto summoned.
- The Embassy - Ripto
Oh Look, Another Plot Section[]
After Ripto is defeated in the final battle, his staff breaks and the magic powers contained within cause all the bosses to fuse with Ducky and create a horrifying amalgam of their body parts. God witnesses this happen and declares it to be a freak. Taking offense to the label, the amalgam challenges God's strongest soldier. It is at this point they are brought to Mount Miyamoto and square off against the armies of Heaven in an epic final boss battle! Unfortunately, the forces of good are way too powerful and subsequently murder the amalgam. The moral of the story is that the Undefeatables are the only people in the UnUniverse allowed to be haughty, and challenging a deity without being one is a death sentence, which has been outlawed in 23 states.
The shame ultimately flew under the radar and is unknown amongst the general public. The ISN review states that, "I miss the good old purple days of Call of Ducky 2.", while Biased Ratings claims that their copy, "Didn't have the cheesemaking minishame in it.", thus warranting two stars apparently. More discussion was directed towards the controller incident than the shame itself, as the sore outbreaks were believed to have been caused by Ripto in an attempt to sabotage the shame's sales after having been outed from Sony back in the 50s.