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UnAnything Wiki

An instrument of diabetes.

Burgers are an awesome type of American sandwich loaded in cholesterol and deliciousness. Americans will eat 20 of these a day because they are fat; the Teletubbies eat 20 Americans a day because they taste like 20 hamburgers. The Krabby Patty is the most successful burger in all of history, while the Big Mac is a close second. There are entire buildings dedicated to giving you diabetes via burgers such as McDonald's and Burger King. In fact, they both fought the Burger War to see who's the best at it.


Some time ago on Ronald McDonald's farm when The Interrupting Cow was being too annoying, he was thrown into the meat grinder. The cows stepped on his remains, and cooked them on a stove to cannibalize him. They made sandwiches out of him to show their farmer, who then butchered them all and made a Big Mac out of them, thus inventing first ever burger.


There's all sorts of random crap you can put on a burger to make it taste even better like cheese and ham, kind of like a pizza. Cheese is the most common burger topping, and the best one, but Coral is a popular second. If you put too much crap on a burger it becomes a tall burger, and those are awful.


  • KEL has burgers on his mind.
  • Balls Burgers are derived from burgers.
  • Anne hates burgers; we don't know why; all we know is she is not a very big fan of Ronald McDonald.
  • Ronald McDonald throws burgers at people and makes various weapons out of burgers.
  • Burger Man's famous Burger Attack is a burger.
  • The 0 Burger and Chum Burger are not burgers, despite having burger in the name.