Bulborbs (Oculus kageyamii russus) are a species of lazy creatures that mature from Bulborb Larva and will attempt to eat anything and anyone, they like to lick the flavoring off of Pikmin in particular. One day, a random Bulborb ate at Burger King and died. The cause of death isn't exactly known, but we speculate it could have been Ronald McDonald who killed him during one of his many attacks on Burger King. After his death, the rest of the Bulborbs decided to try and ban Ronald from the Internet. However, they failed, and they all went to Hell, so they're endangered on the UnWorld and can mostly be found on Kittehlandia, specifically the Pikpik Republic, however, sub-species, such as Bulbmin, are still alive and well to this day.
Master Hand can telepathically control these, and only these for some reason.
In the Pikmin video shame, they will run to your Pikmin and will lick them to death. However, they usually get raped as a result.
You know I could say what I said in Pikmin 2, and you're exactly right! Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.
You know I could say what I said in Pikmin 2, and you're exactly right! Plump specimens are best spit-roasted whole, stuffed with a lime and a slab of bacon. Baste frequently to ensure a magnificently moist haunch.
This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help us fill this page up on breakfast by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it could be deleted.
This article is a stub; it doesn't appear in any dictionaries so we're gonna say it's spongy instead of high in density. You can help us fill this page up on breakfast by eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text.[VE]eating yourself and spitting lotsa spaghetti text. If this page is not dense enough soon, it could be deleted.